Thursday, May 2, 2013

You Get What You Vote For

I watched some of Dana Perino's interview with Bush 43 the other night.  It was not long into the dialogue that I heard those four words that Bush espouses nearly every time he gets to a microphone.  "Stand by your principals."  When asked how he would best describe his success in his presidency, he fell back on those words, "I stood by my principals".  OK . . .I get it.  Bush was principled.  It sounds good on the surface.  He has a set of principals that he lives by.  In fact, it seems we should feel good when a presidential candidate assures us that he will stand on his principals.  Usually, we do feel good.  So why does it bother me when I realize that Barack Obama has a set of principals that he also stands for?

Considering the virulent press Bush received and the even more difficult liberal congress, he was able to accomplish quite a number of things that he set out to do  based on his principals.  He stood strong against partial-birth abortions, he signed two income tax cuts, he increased small business incentives creating a hiring frenzy.  He also changed the tone of the White House back to one of honor and dignity and launched an initiative to combat AIDS in Africa that has saved millions of lives.  However, he also stood on principal when he outlawed stem-cell research based on his religious beliefs.  And was he being principled when he signed nearly every spending bill the democrats sent him from Congress?

And so it goes . . . We seem to have yet another principled president in the White House.  Obama sticks to his principals nearly to the letter.  Problem is, from Obamacare to immigration, from his world apologies to redistribution of income, his principals are nearly all wrong for America.  He even voted against the Infanticide Bill.  Really . . .?  What kind of person would do that?  Most of his principals more closely resemble Lenin or Mussolini than any American president.

When I think about it, we never should just vote for principled individuals. We should find out what the candidate's principals are and make decisions as to whether or not those principals spell disaster for our country.

And that's all I'm going to say about that.

I am writing a blog post about Obamacare that should be ready by this Sunday.

I said should be.


Cindy C. said...

Good point. Obama's principals are ripping us apart.

Not your current girlfriend. said...

I remember you as being much more liberal than you are now.