Monday, December 17, 2012


Most of us have had moments in our lives where we saw a person in a movie or on television or knew someone we admired and said, “I want to be just like that guy”. No doubt that is an inborn response as a result of our learning process from the time we are born. We watch our parents and emulate the movements, verbiage and characteristics used in their everyday lives.

I recently lost my dog to cancer. We had a good life together. I got her as a puppy and, through time, we learned much about each other. Through our love and devotion, it made each of us feel good to interact in a positive way towards one another. I learned from her and she learned from me. The Biography Channel is full of interviews where famous actors begin their talk about how they got into the business with a discussion about his or her idol or mentor. My guess is that our brains have a tendency to wire themselves into a framework of positive feelings when we find opportunities to emulate a person or pet that we admire. It has probably been that way since the first mammals walked on earth.

Like most things where the brain is concerned, the wiring can get flawed. That flaw can range from undetectable to markedly screwed up.  Children of abusive parents often become abusers themselves, mafia bigwigs usually have no problem enlisting their kids into the business and (usually after college) young people tend to follow the political ideals of their parents. The drive for fame can be very strong in some people. So strong in fact, that it can overwhelm their daily thoughts. So where does an introvert who wants to emulate other famous people go to become famous? It would have been pretty difficult just a few decades ago. But things have changed. It’s easy to become famous now. Any miss-wired psychopath can take comfort in the fact that the news media will give him or her instant fame. Fame can come in many different forms. Even celebrities mention that bad news about them is still publicity and publicity is what they are all about.

Last Friday as the first reports began coming in about the terrible tragedy in Connecticut, the primary goal of the media was to get the name of the killer. My bet is that the media felt that whoever got that name first was the winner. It’s likely that unstable psychopaths protected by the ACLU, off their meds and sitting at home watching TV alone, are not considering the children or the teachers that were murdered. They are saying to themselves, “Wow, that Adam Lanza is famous! I wanna be just like him!”

We all tend to knee-jerk during these tragedies to find solutions as to why it happened. “It’s the guns fault." "It’s the parents fault". "It’s Bush’s fault.” These are typical mantras. My knee-jerk reaction is “It’s the media”.  

Here are the headlines this Sunday morning at the top of The Drudge Report blog:

Mother took killer to shooting range...
Pulled him out of school...
Unable 'to feel physical pain'...
Intelligent and shy...
'Evil,' or just mentally ill?

How many mentally unstable people in this country are reading these headlines and plotting their next move? Is this sensationalized information necessary? Do news directors ever consider the possible consequences of their reporting? I doubt it. It’s the ratings stupid.

I think we need a serious discussion concerning the process of reporting these heinous events. Free speech advocates may cry foul, but consider this. Which part of the Constitution do we address; taking away our right to defend ourselves with a gun ban or protecting the innocent through carefully denying the mentally ill the spotlight that they do not deserve?

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The Enemy Within

Is there anything that most Americans agree on? Well, yes . . I think there is. It is the very obvious problem that our government is failing us. The how, why and who is where we have a difference of opinion. Liberals still contend that it is all Bush’s fault and that it may take 30 years of Obama’s reign to get us on the right track. Conservatives rarely doubt that Obama has it in for the US and wants to tax and regulate American Commerce out of existence.  Of course, it’s not all that simple. But it shouldn’t be too hard to noodle this out a little. As you might have guessed, I am about to give my own assessment of what I see as the three greatest threats within our own country today. Correct as they are, I invite you to add more or debate my issues if you wish.

  1. Government Education and the Teacher’s Union – Radio host and columnist Neal Boortz, not known for pulling punches, states that the single biggest threat to our country at this time is the National Education Association. With high school graduates not knowing the capital of their own state, suffice to say . . . that’s a problem. With unions fighting to protect inept teachers, maybe Boortz has a point. But doesn’t it go a bit further? What’s the big deal about school vouchers? It works. Low income students having the opportunity to attend private schools is a good thing, isn’t it? It would have the other positive effect of lowering overcrowding in government schools. The voucher program in New York has been a resounding success. President Obama signed an executive order promising to "improve outcomes and advance educational opportunities for African Americans." But he opposes school vouchers. Seems kind of contradictory to me.
  2. Lifers in Congress – The brilliant framers of our Constitution goofed. They failed to include a provision for term limits for congressmen. This really wasn’t such a problem for the first 100 years or so because truly honorable men and women commonly made up the Congress and usually bowed out after a reasonable time in office to go back to their professions and family. Interestingly, it is usually the most inept of congress people today who continue to run and get reelected, voting themselves pay raises, free healthcare, and demanding hero status from the minions. Presidents can’t destroy America on their own, they need a willing Congress to finish the job. It is the ultimate “Catch 22”. Guess who has to introduce the bill to change the Constitution? Can we expect our failing Congress to vote themselves out of a job? With the approval level for Congress at historic lows, a grassroots movement to enact term limits through a national referendum is gaining a stronghold in several states. Woohoo!
  3. The Vote-Buying Welfare Scheme – This is such an insidious act that I have to take a few breaths to calm down as I write about it. It’s nothing new. Obama didn’t start it. He’s just bringing it to a new art form. Welfare in and of itself can be a noble quest for any government to employ. There is a definite breaking point however where it becomes like a powerful drug. After a few injections of cash, the junkie will do anything to get more. Politicians say to themselves, “Vote for me Mr. Junkie-Man and I’ll make sure you stay right there where I want you.” And they do. They stay impoverished, uneducated and needing another fix. I had a conversation with a young man recently who had voted for Barack Obama in 2009. He said he voted for him because he felt he was going to be the great hope for Blacks in helping them to become better educated and acquire more chances at good jobs. According to my new, young friend, he feels Obama has done just the opposite; and on purpose.

So those are my three. There’s more but I’ve probably lost several readers by now anyway and I am always told my blogs are too long.

Please add your thoughts to my comments.


Saturday, November 17, 2012

A CALL TO ACTION - Not My Usual Blog

It is well known that one of the primary reasons the British lost the Revolutionary War is because they simply stood there like gentlemen and let the uncouth barbarians (our forefathers) shoot at them from behind trees. “That’s not how you fight a war!” was the cry from the Redcoats. You are supposed to line up, take aim, and fire. Those are the rules. They lost the war. Such is the battle for the Presidency 236 years later. Republicans have not considered that fighting for office through playing by the rules will only result in defeat.

Through this past summer, I became less and less confident that Romney could win the election. It was not because he couldn’t bring enough to the table. He is an amazingly accomplished man. What he had to offer to turn our fruitless country around and ease our distress appeared to be the perfect formula. So what went wrong? If I could offer one simple phrase to sum up the Obama campaign’s success that Mitt Romney and his advisors simply were not willing to do, that phrase is - Commit Fraud.  Not just voter fraud but campaign fraud too. Take a look at Webster’s definition of the word Fraud:

Deceit, trickery, sharp practice or breach of confidence, perpetrated for profit or to gain some unfair or dishonest advantage.

Go ahead and look the word up. There are several other definitions. It’s easy to recognize the actions of the Obama Administration and the subsequent campaign in any definition of the word.

My first clue that this was not going to go well was when George Stephanopoulos asked a totally off-the-wall question of Romney at one of the Republican debates. He asked if Romney believes that the courts should overturn a constitutional right to privacy which bars States from banning contraception.  What? No one, not Romney or anyone else for that matter ever suggested such a thing. It’s the old “When did you stop beating your wife?” question. It finally came to light that the question was requested by members of Obama’s reelection team to discredit Romney with women. The acts of fraud escalated exponentially from there. Obama’s thugs would jump out from behind trees, toss lies or false accusations to the media and then hide back in the woods to reload. It didn’t seem to matter how bizarre the attacks were. They always hit their mark with someone. Sandra Fluke convinced woman that they could not afford birth control without government subsidies. They were convincing voters that Romney would kill old people just like he did to a man’s wife that used to work for him. It seemed Obama could say anything and it would stick like glue to at least some voters.

Yet, in the end, Mitt Romney was actually ahead in the polls. One thing all the news outlets could agree on is that it was going to be close. Really? Apparently none of the respected prognosticators added in the one element that had been staring them in the face for about a year prior to the election. Fraud. I hate to say I told you so (not really) but I was warning about election fraud for the last two months prior to November. I knew it would be rampant and I was pretty sure it could swing the election.

Just to address those who love to try the “turn around” argument by saying “The Republican’s do it too”, I say to you. Yes, there no doubt were some cheaters on the Right who tried to add fraudulent votes for Mitt Romney. Just as some Redcoats probably tried to hide behind a tree or two before they were trounced. But this was a highly orchestrated and artful work of fraud. If you need proof, simply Google “Vote Fraud 2012” and read the plethora of articles in every state where thousands of votes were diverted to Obama or where entire precincts had not one vote for Romney or where all White counties had scores of Black voters and on and on. When an election is as close as this one was predicted to be by every pollster in America, how else can you explain Obama’s commanding win when the day was over?

So what’s the answer? Should Republicans learn the tactics of the Left? Is lying and cheating going to dictate elections from now on? Perhaps. But, I’d like to think there may be another way; something that borders on rational behavior. I suggest the Republicans and all freedom-loving individuals in America begin now to take advantage of the coming disasters looming through the next four years and embrace our easily swayed fellow Americans. Continually explain what might have been. Recognize where the Latino and Black communities need help with more outreach programs. Develop private institutions where women who are struggling get a better chance at a fulfilled life. In other words, Conservatives need to build trust within those groups that need help but don’t know where to turn.

Instead of privately giving to charities, openly give time and money to set up organizations that show that Conservatism is a positive, uniting force in America. Instead of Tea Party rally videos of angry Americans shouting their displeasure with the government, how about Tea Party videos of members going into the ghettos and tutoring young people on what it means to be an American. You get the picture.

I truly believe that the Conservative Movement in America can thrive once again in four years if we put those ideals into action now, before it is too late. By instilling trust in our fellow Americans through our actions, acts of fraud would not be able to take such a foothold as it has these past few years.

I love my country as I’m sure you do. I can’t just sit here and write blogs that do not go anywhere anymore. I feel I have to take some action. My first action is to ask for your help. I welcome your thoughts on how we might accomplish this goal. I plan to write to my congressman soon and the Tea Party leaders who might listen. Please help give me suggestions as to the best direction to take. Any progress in our efforts will be updated here.

God Bless America

Chuck Drake

Private emails are welcomed.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

That’s One Small Step

Two of the most beautiful cities in the world are Athens, Greece and Rome. Italy. Their respective histories reflect some of the greatest triumphs of all mankind. Athens, referred to as The Cradle of Western Civilization and the birthplace of democracy, has evolved into one of the premier, cosmopolitan, economic and cultural cities in the world. Rome’s history is unprecedented. The influences that the people and history of Rome have had on the rest of the world are extraordinary. I mention these two great cities now because they have one thing in common today that is a little out of character from their usual charm. Cars are being burned, stores are being looted and citizens are attacking one another in the streets.

What in the world could cause these two beautiful cities to fall into anarchy? Actually, there were several missteps that started the ball rolling. Staggering debt is the main issue. There is no more money to hand out to the citizens who have been on the government dole for most of their lifetimes. It simply is too late. No more handouts, no more bailouts and no more money to sustain the way of life that their socialist governments have promised to the people. Taxing the rich, minting more money and redistributing incomes by the governments in order to remain in power have crippled both economies to the point of no return.

So, the obvious question is, just how far behind these two ‘great’ cities is the U.S.? Not far I’m afraid. Prior to the election, thousands of Tweets offered up threats of violence in the streets if Barack Obama was not reelected. Why would those threats be voiced? No doubt, those people feared they would lose their government handouts. It simply does not matter to many Americans that we are on a Thelma and Louise track over the cliff with the pedal to the metal.

Like Rome and Athens, our government’s plans for a solution to the crises boarders on the insane. Tax the rich? Ok . . . the current tax increases on the “rich” proposed by the Obama administration will not even pay the interest on the debt for more than 10 days. Reduce spending? . . . They don’t reduce spending. They simply offer reductions on the increases already in place. Nationalize corporations? . . . .Yeah, right.

With the reelection of the Obama administration, there is now little doubt that we are going to go the way of Rome and Athens. Take away the citizen’s welfare and anarchy is soon to follow. Every Socialist regime knows this. But it is a risk worth taking in order to remain in power. And when the walls begin to crumble, the Elitists simply step aside and watch it fall.

I’m really not into pessimism. I think it is unproductive. But when I look at the news videos of the riots in the streets overseas, I can only wonder how close we are to being next.

The answer, I’m afraid is “One Small Step”.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Hey, It’s Only A Game

Cornell/Dartmouth? LSU/Alabama? Democrats/Republicans? I guess it’s all in how badly you want to win. It is abundantly clear that no matter what the result “winning is everything” has become a dangerous ideal in the world today. Take the New Orleans’ Saints for example. Winning became so important to them that the coaches put a cash bounty on the heads of opposing players to increase their chances. Did decency and moral character matter? Apparently not. And so it goes also with the Neo-Democratic party.

I have read countless “tweets” over the past two days, specifically to get a feel for just what policies, principals and other factors might have been the driving force in the minds of Democrats that lead to the stunning defeat of . . .  Freedom. As it turns out, there was virtually no constructive criticism as to the how’s or why’s of the campaign. Two typical tweets were, “We win, you lose” ROFLOL!” or this gem, “Our nigga won, u nigga lost. Now we not have to kill u nigga.”

Those are extreme but my point is, the old saying that “Once a Democrat always a Democrat” is becoming a dangerous dogma for our country. “Once a Republican, always a Republican” could be just as dangerous. However, it is not Republicans leading the charge to take us from a Republic, where the power rests with the citizens, to a Governmental Oligarchy; meaning all power rests with just a few, government rulers. Within the bowels of these tweets were many suggestions that we dump the Constitution and re-elect Obama in four years. These are serious threats not to be taken lightly.

I have a few liberal friends that have communicated their glee at the “win”. That’s fine. I don’t eat sour grapes, or any grapes for that matter. But I’m still troubled. I can’t shake the feeling that these are the same people that would happily follow the party rule in North Korea or be an approving member of the Fifth Republic Movement, the socialist-democratic party under Hugo Chavez in Venezuela. As Obama continues to dictate how it’s going to be rather than work within the boundaries of our Constitution, we continue to sink deeper into the very depths that our founding fathers warned us about just over 200 years ago.

We lost our innocence this week. America appears willing to put a bounty on the heads of anyone who gets in the way of our newly found socialist state. Many feel that there is no turning back. As more and more citizens and illegals learn that they can vote for their income rather than work for it, the ideals that our parents and grandparents taught us are withering. Self-reliance and work ethic is taking a back seat to government reliance and indolence.

But the good news is “We Won”!

Or did we?

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Help Wanted

We hear the cry’s of foul from citizens throughout the country. We see timelines and charts of Barack Obama’s rise to the Presidency. Talking heads throw out names of Obama’s past associates and current friends, either with disdain (FOX News) or pride (MSNBC). But let’s play with this a little.

Suppose you and I are on the hiring board of a major business. We are looking for a new, dynamic, star in the business world. We need a fresh approach to our business because what we have been doing lately is getting us into financial trouble. Several names are in the hopper and we are going over each one carefully. The next candidate’s info sheet is passed out and each of us read the background report. After we each look up from the document, the person who suggested this candidate is ready to field questions.

Q Where are his college transcripts?

A: He prefers not to show them to us.

Q: Where are the listings of his experience in the business world?

A: His past business experience is so limited; we decided not to list it.

Q: Then, at least, tell us about his successes. What other businesses has he saved?

A: Well . . .none, yet. But we hope that if he gets another chance, he might be successful.

Q: Well then, how did this person’s application ever get to our desk?

A: Well, we were looking for someone unlike anyone else. He claims he can change things from the way they are now to something he says will transform everything in our business.

Q: Well then, at least let’s check out his references . . . ok?

“Sure, no problem, here is a list of three people that he has known as good friends for many years.”

  1. Reverend Jeremiah Wright, his pastor for 20 years who espouses hatred for America in his sermons.
  2. Bill Ayers, self-proclaimed Communist who blew up government buildings in the early 70’s
  3. Tony Rezko, corrupt financier with ties to terror financing

“Are you crazy?” No one in their right mind would hire someone with no experience, no credentials and such friends as these shady characters!”

And so it goes . . . .

Friday, October 5, 2012

True Friends

I have another birthday quickly approaching. Time to reflect once again. This past year has been a tough one for me. Always the optimist, I am sure this next go around will be a vast improvement. This last birthday-to-birthday cycle has taught me much about how unprepared we can be for what life has planned for us. Friendship, I feel, is one of our most prized possessions, friendship and a sense of humor. I suppose that’s why I still have good friends going all the way back to my childhood. I love my good friends. I mean I really love them. They have provided me with a sense of direction and comfort through my life. I try, whenever possible, to be a good friend too. Sometimes I can’t be there when I feel I should. But it makes me feel special to be able to help out my friends. All that being said, this past year I have lost two of my very closest friends, one to a strange case of pneumonia and the other to suicide.

Bill was always a little odd on the surface. He was born just days before me. His mother told me that we were in the nursery together in the hospital. That’s how long I’ve known him. We were always on separate paths through life. I partied, he studied. I got in trouble, he bailed me out. He was shy with girls, I would hook him up. He was not a very good golfer, I took his money. We went to separate colleges that were only about 70 miles apart. So we often visited each other on weekends. He learned all about frat parties at Ball State and I learned all about architecture at Miami of Ohio. We also enjoyed road trips together. The San Antonio Worlds Fair, surfing in Galveston, and getting to drink at 18 in New Orleans are great memories for me. We both left home on the same day. I settled in Atlanta and Bill went on to Miami as a full-fledged architect. Through the next 30 years or so, we probably kept in touch at least every couple of weeks. Nothing like getting a quick call from a friend who cares enough to make sure I’m OK. He was my best man at my wedding and I took full advantage of his Miami residency by hanging out in South Beach as my vacation spot of choice.

So when I found out he was sick, it was nearly impossible to believe. Bill did not have an ounce of fat on him and he swam in his high-rise condo pool every morning for years. I went to spend New Years with him just after Christmas 2010. He was very sick. He had damaged his lungs beyond repair and I knew after I left that I had said my last goodbye. He lived through last year’s birthdays and died in early November. I had lost my childhood friend, the kid that knew more about me than anyone else in the world. I wasn’t prepared for the loss.

Jerry was a guy that I met in the early 1990’s. We immediately became good friends and even business partners. Unlike Bill and myself, Jerry and I both did a lot of partying. Of course we were older so it’s called socializing. We buddied up with a large singles set in Atlanta and created many other life-long friends through the 90’s. We continued to keep in touch after I moved to a town in Central Georgia and when I made an abrupt decision to move back to Atlanta, Jerry was there to help and advise. We became each other’s go-to person that we both relied on to call and talk, bitch, or laugh with. Then he up and shot himself.

So why did I feel the need to share these stories? Guess one reason is that I didn’t want to spend my “Total Recall” week alone. But, maybe you can take something out of these words that will remind you to call your oldest, best friend just to say hi. Let them know you are just checking up to make sure they are OK. Wish them a happy holiday season and let them know that you love them and appreciate all that they have meant to you through your life. If you do that, then my loss of Bill and Jerry, melancholy as it is, might have helped us all to understand a little better the real meaning of true friends.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

A German's View on Islam

Dr. Emanuel Tanay, a well known and well respected psychiatrist wrote this in 2010. It is so well written and so true, I though I should share it here.

A man, whose family was German aristocracy prior to World War II, owned a number of large industries and estates. When asked how many German people were true Nazis, the answer he gave can guide our attitude toward fanaticism.

'Very few people were true Nazis,' he said, 'but many enjoyed the return of German pride, and many more were too busy to care. I was one of those who just thought the Nazis were a bunch of fools. So, the majority just sat back and let it all happen. Then, before we knew it, they owned us, and we had lost control, and the end of the world had come. My family lost everything.

I ended up in a concentration camp and the Allies destroyed my factories. We are told again and again by 'experts' and 'talking heads' that Islam is the religion of peace, and that the vast majority of Muslims just want to live in peace. Although this unqualified assertion may be true, it is entirely irrelevant.

It is meaningless fluff, meant to make us feel better, and meant to somehow diminish the spectra of fanatics rampaging across the globe in the name of Islam.

The fact is that the fanatics rule Islam at this moment in history. It is the fanatics who march.. It is the fanatics who wage any one of 50 shooting wars worldwide. It is the fanatics who systematically slaughter Christian or tribal groups throughout Africa and are gradually taking over the entire continent in an Islamic wave. It is the fanatics who bomb, behead, murder or honor-kill. It is the fanatics who take over mosque after mosque. It is the fanatics who zealously spread the stoning and hanging of rape victims and homosexuals. It is the fanatics who teach their young to kill and to become suicide bombers. The hard quantifiable fact is that the peaceful majority, the 'silent majority,' is cowed and extraneous.

Communist Russia was comprised of Russians who just wanted to live in peace, yet the Russian Communists were responsible for the murder of about 20 million people. The peaceful majority were irrelevant.

China's huge population was peaceful as well, but Chinese Communists managed to kill a staggering 70 million people.

The average Japanese individual prior to World War II was not a war mongering sadist. Yet, Japan murdered and slaughtered its way across South East Asia in an orgy of killing that included the systematic murder of 12 million Chinese civilians; most killed by sword, shovel, and bayonet.

And who can forget Rwanda which collapsed into butchery. Could it not be said that the majority of Rwandans were 'peace loving'?

History lessons are often incredibly simple and blunt, yet for all our powers of reason we often miss the most basic and uncomplicated of points: Peace-loving Muslims have been made irrelevant by their silence. Peace-loving Muslims will become our enemy if they don't speak up, because like my friend from Germany, they will awaken one day and find that the fanatics own them, and the end of their world will have begun.

Peace-loving Germans, Japanese, Chinese, Russians, Rwandans, Serbs, Afghans, Iraqis, Palestinians, Somalis, Nigerians, Algerians and many others have died because the peaceful majority did not speak up until it was too late.

As for us who watch it all unfold, we must pay attention to the only group that counts; the fanatics who threaten our way of life.

Now Islamic prayers have been introduced into New York City public
schools, Toronto and other public schools in Ontario, and, yes, in
Ottawa too while The Lord's Prayer was removed (due to being so
offensive!). The Islamic way may be peaceful for the time being in our
country until the fanatics move in.

They have already started, and we are silent.......

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Big Whopper

Every politician accuses their opponents of lying throughout the campaign. Sometimes they are right and just as often they are simply lying about the opponent lying. We all take it in stride and know that it is just the way it’s done in politics. It has always been that way and in all likelihood it always will be that way. Then along comes Barack Hussein Obama. He has certainly taken lying to a much higher art form. In fact, there is little about him that is not a lie.

I recently saw the documentary, “Dreams From My Real Father”. I will simply state at the outset that I believe that any American who watches this movie and then goes into the voting booth in an attempt to vote Barack Obama back into office is either a full-blown Marxist and thinks that eliminating the middle class and installing the Communist Elite as the party power structure would be a wonderful change of pace for America, or is simply brainless.

I truly began watching the movie looking for any way that I could punch holes in the logic they presented. It never happened. All the pieces of Obama’s life fell neatly into place. Most of us have heard snippets of data about his nefarious associations, his odd college career and his meteoric rise politically. But this movie takes all those pieces plus dozens more and snaps them into place for all to see. The resulting conclusions for me are twofold. 1. He and his people have carried out the most amazing hoax on the American people ever. 2. He’s a Communist. . . .So let me make this statement another way. We really, really do have a Marxist/Leninist, Communist as President of the United States.

So how did they think they could get away with it? I have a theory. Actually, it is based on some personal experience. When I was in college in Indiana, I was a Business Major with a Political Science minor. Poli Sci was a lot more interesting than General Business so I spent much of my time reading books and pamphlets of the day. One of those books was called “Rules For Radicals”, by Saul Alinski. We were all reading it and many were joining the Students For A Democratic Society (SDS) primarily because of our disgust with the Viet Nam War. I attended several rallies and participated in a half-baked attempt to take over the Administration Building at Ball State. But as the rhetoric became more hard core and the SDS clan was inching toward anarchy and burning all American flags on campus, I slowly slinked away and went back to class. Amazingly, I can remember the same words being used back then by angry students of Alinski, Clowerd and Piven as Obama used in his first campaign. “We are going to fundamentally change America”.

Weather Underground Co-Founder, Bill Ayers, a card carrying member of the Communist Party and Alinski follower, found out early that bombs didn’t really help much in changing America into the elitist state he was working towards. So he and his small clan, decided to infiltrate the system from within. And infiltrate he did! When Bill Ayers met Barack Obama, I am sure it felt like fate had just handed him the clincher. Ayers saw the way that he could finally, successfully slither his ideology into the heart of America and turn America into the Socialist/Proletariat State he had dreamed of.

“This man is someone who lives in my neighborhood in Chicago who is a professor of English”, Obama said when asked about Ayers. “He is not someone who I share ideas with”, he added. That is not just a lie, it’s a reprehensibly, simplified whopper! Maybe he decided to lie because Bill Ayers advocates, “killing all the rich people”. Bill Ayers and Bill’s dad, Tom Ayers, were intimate allies in the master plan to put Obama in the White House and turn this country into a Marxist State. . . . And they have nearly succeeded. 

But, As Always, I’m Just Saying.

Note: You can watch a streaming version of “Dreams From My Real Father” on It costs about $3.00. I didn’t really like the way they used a voice like Obama’s as the narrator, and there is so much information that it runs like a slow documentary. But there are scenes, pictures and documents to see that are truly shocking.

Come back to this post and add your comments and ideas after watching the movie. Should be fun.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Balls - Or The Lack Thereof

A couple of days ago, Rush Limbaugh said that if the Republicans lose this election, it will be the end of The Party as we know it. I can’t say that I disagree. Laura Ingram says that this is a “gimme” election. It should be. We have seen nearly four years of the most inept, amateur, and often corrupt president this country has ever experienced. So how is it that Romney is not 10 points ahead or more now? I’m not saying that it would be easy to overcome the liberal bias in America. But, hey! The Democrats booed God - for God’s sake, right in the middle of their own Democratic Convention! And Obama had a 5 point bounce in the polls!

So is it a slam-dunk to win in November? It probably could be if Conservatives were able to play basketball. Slam dunks are easy if you have the ability (and the balls) to charge through the blockers, throw your body in the air and jump high enough to slam it through the rim. Does that sound like a Republican? Not really. While Democrats are throwing hard balls, Mitt Romney is playing T-Ball. Democrats play rugby, Republicans play flag football and on and on.

I have little doubt that Romney would make a very effective president. If he were to win on November 6th, businesses across America the very next day would likely gather their decision makers in their boardrooms and discuss freeing up their inventories and ramping up production. Faith in our economic future needs little more than the election going to Romney to immediately stem the tide. Yet, at this late date, we face the very real (probability) that Romney will lose!

Plenty of clichés come to mind when speaking about Republicans. Things like, “No Guts, No Glory” or “The Silent Majority” are good examples. Why are we so silent? What are we afraid of? We should be known as “The Loud and The Pissed Off”. The Tea Party was a rather valiant attempt to change Conservative’s image a bit. Democrats called them every name in the book. They used their Rugby-like tactics like giggling through disgusting sexual phrases to describe Tea Party participants, calling them bigots and race haters. The list goes on. Then the media switches to a video of a Tea Party rally. Who’s out there protesting for our Constitutional rights to be upheld? Oh look! It’s Grandma, Grandpa, Blacks, Hispanics, teenagers and the family next door. The vile rhetoric regurgitated each night on news outlets across the nation and by noxious commentators and comedians when referring to Tea Party members has been relentless. Don’t hear so much from The Tea Party anymore do we? Oh they are still there but they are now moving quietly so as to not be called bad names anymore.

I am not saying we need to stoop as far down to depravity as the New Liberal Party. No reason to deny God or the rights of Jews in Israel, but we need to FIRE UP! Scream back Mitt Romney! Instead of being a candy-ass, go out and kick some liberal ass!

But – I’m Just Saying

Saturday, September 8, 2012


If the election were held today, Barack Obama would win. So let’s just take that further and set the stage for the next four years.

Under the next four years of Obama’s “Rule”:

  1. America’s government will finalize the process of turning their backs on Israel which will encourage Iran and Hamas to attack, knowing full well that, if we intercede, it will be a half-hearted measure at best.
  2. Obamacare will go forward, insuring that (very conservatively) 40% of physicians over the age of 50 will retire or simply quit.
  3. The federal government will go into overdrive to take over most major businesses that have been weakened by the economy by buying them out (with our tax money) and nationalize them, putting the unions in charge.
  4. Government education will bottom out to the point that our children will be the last consideration when it comes to an actual education. (We are pretty much already there).
  5. Any conceivable rights protecting the life of unborn children will be forgotten in the name of federal decisions.
  6. Medicare Advantage plans will cease, leaving millions of low income seniors with no protection beyond the paltry benefits of Medicare.
  7. Several States in the US will consider the amazing, but potential enactment of seceding from The Union in order to preserve the original Constitution and our capitalistic way of life.
  8. It is very likely the federal government will no longer recognize The Constitution as the official creed of the United States, giving Barack Obama the ability to continue his reign as Supreme Commander.
  9. Any reference to God or organized, Christian religion outside of the four walls of a church will be met with either a fine or imprisonment. (That has already occurred on high school campuses)
  10. An estimated 80% of the real wealth held in US banks will be redistributed to countries that have not yet socialized their government.
  11.  As a result of #10, America will go broke and the poor will suffer to the point of actually becoming a liability on the "Supreme" government.
  12. Three million more Americans are out of work since Obama took office. So let’s just suppose conservatively that 6 million will be out of work by 2016.
  13. Again conservatively, 20% of all medium to large businesses that the government did not nationalize, will leave for greener pastures.
  14. Our status in the world has eroded so much in the past four years it’s hard to believe that it could get worse. It will.
  15. The Federal Government will be so over-spent that our beloved infrastructure will have been eroding for several years.
  16. The rights of illegal aliens will supersede any rights that a constitutionally born citizen of the US was originally guaranteed. (Sound familiar?)
So, many who are reading this may be saying “Oh, that will never happen” on several of my prognostications. I understand your hesitance. But just think back say . . .twenty years ago and consider #16. I think you might have said those same words then and - Low and Behold! We’re already there.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

George Could Not Have Imagined

I remember reading George Orwell’s book 1984 in about 1969. He wrote it in 1949. I found it fascinating. It took far more than 35 years for much of the book’s prognostications to come true. But here they come.

When the Clinton years ushered in “Hate Crimes”, I harkened back to the “Thought Police”. It is now considered, depending on what the killer was thinking, a worse crime for a white man to kill a black man than a black man to kill a black man. So the government can now decide which black man’s life is worth more. The worth of a person’s life now depends on their social-political membership. I bet George never saw that coming when he was penning his classic.

Just weeks ago, the City of New York instituted a program where all hidden and outdoor security cameras are now being linked into a sort of “Big Brother” system so that the government can perform continual surveillance on . . . .well, everyone. Yes, literally everyone who steps outside or walks through a building in the city is on camera. One can’t even pick their nose in Central Park anymore without the action being recorded in the main database at headquarters.

And now, the thing Mr. Orwell never saw coming is what has become known as social media; email, Facebook, Linked In, cell phones, Twitter and all the rest. What George Orwell saw as a real threat of our privacy by the government, has become the new threat to our privacy by our fellow man (or woman).

In the headlines today is a story about two teenage boys who, while at a party, found a girl passed out drunk, took off her clothes and took pictures of her and posted them on the internet. This is probably the ultimate invasion of privacy, short of rape. The new technological means at our disposal make privacy invasion amazingly easy. 

I have been learning a lot lately about the subject. Over this summer, I have had someone hacking into my computer and illegally obtaining my phone records in a malicious attempt to obtain information about me. This person even went so far as to delete items in my Facebook and email accounts. In my research, I have learned that this is a clear violation of the law. That makes me feel a little better to know that laws are in place to attempt to deter people from performing these pernicious acts. However, the means to accomplish their goals are so easy to obtain. Thirty years ago, this person would have had to break into my home and rifle through my private papers in my file drawer to dig up the same information that now just sits there in front of them on their computer. Since I know who this person is, I doubt that even they would have resorted to breaking and entering to violate my privacy. But it amounts to the same thing. 

Like so much in our new world, the ability of governments and citizens to illegally victimize others by invading their privacy through social madia technology is not going to go away. In fact, it will probably get worse before it gets better. So, it is up to us to work hard to make known to those that might be predisposed to do this sort of thing that using technology to violate a person’s privacy is a criminal act and, just as if they broke into your house, they can be prosecuted for breaking and entering your private domicile.

In the book, hope for a better future was aroused by a love affair between two people that were doing their best to buck the system. But, in the end, “Big Brother” won out and one of them betrayed the other by joining the "Party". My experience has made me ponder the possibility that we are heading in that direction. Pessimism is not one of my favorite emotions. So I am going to continue to search for hopeful signs that we are heading into a world of cautious optimism that new laws and avenues of information are enacted where the less trustworthy among us will think twice before violating the rights of others. As a matter of fact, I recently found out that most police departments and sheriffs departments have an IT investigation division and are usually very willing to help.

However, for now, a word of caution. Your password is just like your house key. If you get on someone else's computer and enter your password to check your email or Facebook or whatever, you have just left your house key with that person who so graciously let you borrow their computer. Better know and trust them really well. I thought I did. Turns out I was wrong.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

What's Good About Us?

I just reread this. I think I wrote this more for me than anyone else. So it is not the riviting commentary that you are used to. Yuk, yuk. I promise to get back to irritating liberals by next weekend.

How does one measure goodness? Many will immediately answer that question by quoting a bible passage. The more metaphysical among us might take us off on a tangent of flowers and clouds. When a friend says “Oh, she’s a really good person.” I often think to myself, “In what way?”. Does she never lie, never make others sad, never cheat or steal? I doubt that. In fact, you would be hard pressed to find any adult in the world that you could say that about. So what makes us decide that a person is good?

I have learned, in my waning years, that I can be rather naive when it comes to making a good assessment of people and whether or not I should feel comfortable enough to trust their friendship. I’m sure everyone has at least one, if not several stories where someone in their lives became a disappointment and even betrayed an unspoken trust. But to give humanity a little slack, I would guess that the vast majority of the time, that person unintentionally slipped up and caused pain to others.

Anyway, since this topic has been sorta rattling around in my brain lately, I decided to check out a few online forums on the subject. The results were quite enlightening to me. So I thought I’d share some here.

Cactus Says:

For me, a good person is someone who stops to question his/her deeds and on occasion is tormented by guilt for minor things such as hurting someone's feelings... you get the jist of it. A good person would have a certain set of principles and morals and strives to live by those principles and morals.

Shalott Says:

People go through stages in their lives and while some person or teenager may seem like a bad apple, that doesn't necessarily mean that person is bad through and through. and of course, there are some things we do that can never be undone or taken back.


I think it's too easy to call someone "good" or "bad" and it misses the mark. The reasons we do what we do isn't because we are good or bad- it isn't because we have a strong or weak-willed character, it's because of the skills and tools we have learned, been taught, and been indoctrinated with. In this sense I agree that morality is a key factor, but it's not that simple, as there are more things involved: I don't know precisely all the functions which go into having the ability to make a good choice, but it'd be something like reasoning, discernment, knowledge of good and bad, judgment, but even "judgment" includes a lot of other smaller skills.

Petrarch Says:

After thinking about the question on this thread a little, I'm not at all comfortable with judging others as good or bad people. I think I do have my own idea of what an ideal good person would be, which I strive to live up to (and certainly fail at it in many ways), but I don't think I have some sort of ideal standard in my mind that other people have to live up to for me to deem them good (that is if we are mainly considering people who do not maliciously and willfully do harm to others, since that really is a pretty basic standard).

Pretty heady stuff, huh? I think Petrarch said it best. We should be careful about offering judgments of others. We should only strive to be the kind of person that we conceive to be a good person. And then simply stay more alert to those who would willfully do harm to others and ourselves.

But . . .I’m just sayin’

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Universal Appreciation.

This was in one of my first blogs but came up missing. Curious. So this is a reprise. Right now I have too many essays started and none finished. I'll try to finish one over the weekend.

I grew up in a perfectly sized, mid-western town. It was called a city but I thought of it as a town. No one was ever certain if there were 40 or 50 thousand people in the town but it never seemed to matter.  It was a good town. I say was because I have not lived there for over 30 years and I know things change. There are two rivers running through the heart of the town. One of them was perfect for swimming and boating. I was fortunate that my family’s home was located on the banks of that river and I took full advantage of it.

Due to the very nature of my surroundings; the beauty of the spring flowers along the river, the amazing array of fish we could catch nearly year ‘round, the adorable teenage girls that would sunbathe on the piers in the summer months, often gave me pause to think. What’s this all about? As a young teen I pretty much understood why I appreciated the sunbathers. But, why do I appreciate tulips? My dog couldn’t care less about the delicate beauty of a tulip. The ability to perceive of and appreciate so much of our world, our universe, is purely human. But why? Why us? Why us God?

My childhood and church going was a constant battle of wills. Go fishing? Go to church. Go fishing? Go to church. Go fishing. My parents were Presbyterians. I was a Communicant’s Class dropout. By the time I hit high school age, the act of attending church was far from my mind. Did I believe in God? Honestly, I don’t remember. When I went on to college though, and realized that I know everything, I began to think back on my early years as a kid asking why. But I added another query into the mix. Where? Where is God?  Not who or what, but where. So I set out in my mind to answer the question. I knew I could find the answer because college-age students are the smartest people in the world. After very little biblical or philosophical research, I had it. God is everywhere! Oh, I know, you hear that all the time. But this was different.

God is everywhere because he is us.  Yup. It was us who wrote the Bible, right? It is the collective minds of mankind that conceive of religions and develop them into something that is supposed to help teach us right from wrong. So instead of saying that God is everywhere in our lives helping us get through the tough times, why can’t we just accept that he is us? You and me and your jerky neighbor who just painted his house mauve; we are God. So when we pray, are we praying to some bearded fellow sitting on a throne beyond the universe? Or are we simply helping to put our hopes and wishes into our minds to direct us to some positive end? It seems okay to presume so, if we know that our own minds are a fractional piece of God’s mind. There, problem solved. I figured it out when I was in college. . . . . . . . Then I graduated.

College smugness seems to quickly disappear when a person goes out into the real world. Like most of my friends, marriage and family happened to me over the next 20 or so years. Before my daughter was born, I really didn’t take much time for spirituality and the old questions that I so easily answered years back. But then something happened to me that changed everything.

On the day of the birth of my daughter, the center of my universe shifted. It shifted from me to her. I realized that day that if someone said that I must die so that this little bundle may live . . . no problem. With the universe no longer about me, I began to ask questions again. But this time I had lots of questions. I read books; Cosmology and Philosophy books. Maybe I should call them “scientific theory” and “thought theory” books. I was impressed that so many of the truly brainy scientists had such strong faiths. God seemed to always be an integral part of their scientific psyche. I have often been disheartened to witness the fact that organized, mostly Christian, religions tend to denounce scientific theory and discovery while scientists seem to embrace religion and God. Can’t we all just get along?

After my divorce and my daughter reaching her late teens, my universe shifted once again. This time it began to center around God. As I read more Big Bang Theory and  Black Hole Theory and as our telescopes reached further back in time to the very  beginning of the universe, I began to realize that I never had the answers. I wasn't even close. But it didn't matter much. Now I wasn't only perceiving of and appreciating that tulip on the riverbank, I was becoming completely rapt in the total package. I remember a line from Thornton Wilder’s play “Our Town” in which a lovesick Emily Webb blurts out “Oh World, You’re too wonderful for anyone to realize you.” Profound? Yes. True? Also yes. I’ll never know all the answers. But, perceiving of and appreciating as much of our universe as possible, is to me, a noble quest. It is my humble opinion that God cracks a little smile as we continue to inch closer to the answers.

Many of the greatest minds today are churning up scientific evidence that lends itself perfectly to the possibility that the gap between science and theology is rapidly closing.  Cosmology is the study of the physical universe from the very big to the very small. String Theory is a result of cosmologists, through mathematical models, coming up with really difficult stuff to understand that tends to reveal the possibility that God is among us. The really brainy people working on this are pretty convinced that there are many more dimensions than just three in our world. The reason we cannot see into these other dimensions is because all matter and light are stuck in only three dimensions. Some cosmologists have concluded that there are as many as 11 dimensions.

OK . . . work with me on this. If we can accept that our universe around us has a lot of stuff going on that we cannot see or perceive of, does it not make sense to presume then that God could have a very comfortable spot to hang out in like maybe the eighth dimension, eating popcorn and watching us create all sorts of entertaining quandaries for his, and our amusement? Then, when we really screw up, he can project through those dimensions and touch our lives in ways that we cannot feel in our limited world but we just know He had something to do with fixing the problem.

No matter how many dimensions there are, the three we've got have lent themselves pretty well to giving me the ability to appreciate the universe. To remember springtime, sitting on that riverbank watching the meandering water flow by while perfectly formed teenage girls seem to tan right before my eyes stretched out on the docks and tulips open themselves to an amazingly blue sky. That was my universe. It still is. Thank you God.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Divide Et Empera

Some say it was Philip II, king of Macedon, others attribute the phrase to
Julius Caesar. But “Divide et empera” is Latin for Divide and Rule, later reworded to “Divide and Conquer”. It is a statement that is ringing more true today than ever in the past 100 + years in America. It's so obvious, that it is glaring at us and we have yet to even put on sunglasses to take a better look.

Valerie Jarrett, self proclaimed socialist and Senior White House Advisor to Barack Obama, told Matt Lauer on the Today Show soon after the election that put this man in as President, that he, Barack Obama, would begin to rule the country in January. Rule? Is the President of the United States now a ruler? In the eyes of this administration he is. And what is the best way to rule the dumb masses? Divide! And do they ever divide! Our new ruler has succeeded in dividing this country socially, economically and by the sexes.

The so-called Fair Pay Act has nothing to do with fairness and everything to do with election-year politics. No one expected that bill to become law. The whole point of this political exercise is to get Republicans on record voting against "fairness" for women, as part of the Democrats' campaign strategy to claim that there is a "war on women."

Obama’s war on success is astounding and insulting at the same time. But divide he must. We now have mainstream media parrots as well as plenty of angry Americans spewing hate-filled rhetoric towards the “richest 1 percent” or even successful Americans in general. “If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that”. Obama knows he can throw up these offensive assaults, no matter how outrageous they are, anytime he wants. His faithless followers will take the bait and continue to echo his rancor to open another chasm in our newly fragile country.

Now he has his minions doing the work for him. Last week after Mr. Cathy’s comments about his own beliefs on redefining marriage, we have three mayors of major cities vowing to suppress freedom of trade in their respective domains (which, by the way, cannot be more against the law) by refusing to allow business licenses to Chick-Fil-A. Amazing? Yes. Effective? Absolutely. Do you think Rahm Emanuel did not know that carrying out his threat would be illegal? Of course he did. He knew (and he was taught by the masters) that it would start a firestorm in America and further divide us into social and anti-social groups. All the more easy to rule, you know.

I can recall several instances in my lifetime where our presidents have urged unity, working in America as one, and a general sense of helping our fellow neighbors. JFK once said:

“Geography has made us neighbors. History has made us friends. Economics has made us partners, and Necessity has made us allies. Those whom God has so joined together, let no man put asunder.”

You will never hear words like that for our Dear Ruler.

Ironically, from the mouth of a second-rate thief came the words that, I am guessing, has also never been uttered by anyone in the Obama administration. “Can’t we all get along?”

Thursday, July 12, 2012


Ever wonder just why Eric Holder would risk his entire career by simply not providing the documents ordered for him to turn over by law? I am providing a guest appearence today because it is so much better written than I could do and it is spot on. This is the topic that I planned to present but Ann Coulter saved me the effort.


Most Americans don't care about whether Attorney General Eric Holder is hiding Fast and Furious documents because they don't understand the story.

Until someone can tell us otherwise, there is only one explanation for why President Obama's Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives gave thousands of guns to Mexican drug dealers: It put guns in their hands to strengthen liberals' argument for gun control.

Precisely because this is such a jaw-dropping accusation -- criminality at the highest level of government to score a political point -- Republicans refuse to make it.

But the problem with Republican rectitude in discussing this scandal is that as soon as they start talking about subpoenas and dates and documents, TV channels change across America. They're never going to get answers unless they first explain to the American people why it matters.

Liberals have been dying to reinstate the so-called "assault weapons" ban, but they haven't been able to for political reasons. (For more information on this, see the 1994 congressional elections.)

A typically idiotic Democratic scheme, the "assault weapons" ban prohibited the sale of semiautomatics that are operationally indistinguishable from deer rifles, but which looked scary to liberal women.

First, the Democrats tried lying about how American guns were being found in the hands of Mexican drug dealers -- while demanding a renewal of the assault weapons ban.

Obama had barely unpacked at the White House, when he and high-level administration officials and Senate Democrats -- Holder, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, Sen. Chuck Schumer -- started railing about how our lax gun control laws were putting guns in the hands of Mexican drug cartels.

In 2010, even Mexico's President Felipe Calderon demanded that the U.S. reinstate the assault weapons ban -- on the grounds that Mexican drug violence was directly linked to the law's repeal.

The claim was preposterous for many reasons, including the fact that the type and quantity of armaments being used by Mexican drug cartels can be obtained only from places such as North Korea, China, Russia, Venezuela and Guatemala.

The notion that most guns used by Mexican drug gangs came from the U.S. was a lie -- exposed on about 1 million gun blogs and on Fox News.

So, then the Obama administration did exactly what Democrats had been falsely accusing American gun sellers of doing: They put American guns in the hands of Mexican drug cartels.

The only explanation for Fast and Furious is that it was a program to prop up a losing gun control argument. The Waco and Ruby Ridge raids were monstrous, but they at least made sense as simple screw-ups: (1) ATF's budget was about to be cut and it needed some showy raids; and (2) law enforcement officials detest private gun ownership on principle.

There is no conceivable law enforcement objective to giving Mexican drug dealers thousands of untrackable guns. It's not even fun for the agents, like an armed raid on a private home. If there's some other explanation, Holder isn't telling.

Republicans refuse to state this clearly because they can't prove it. Instead, they just keep chattering about the documents that haven't been turned over and subpoenas that haven't been answered.

Did Democrats wait for a smoking gun to accuse Karl Rove of treason for revealing Valerie Plame's identity as a CIA agent? It turned out Rove didn't reveal it, and it wouldn't have been a crime if he had.

Did they wait for proof to accuse Sen. John McCain of committing adultery? They had none, and yet that story ran on the front page of The New York Times.

Did they have any evidence before accusing the entire Republican House leadership of complicity in Mark Foley's creepy emails to young male interns? See if you can guess. Take all the time you need. Feel free to call one of your "lifelines" if necessary.

Liberals just make wild-eyed accusations and demand Republicans prove themselves innocent. (Say, whatever happened to Karl Rove's trial for treason for outing Valerie Plame? Can somebody call Lawrence O'Donnell and check on that?)

If conservatives were our only source of information about 9/11, no one would care about that, either. Somehow they'd make it about Osama bin Laden not answering a subpoena.

This isn't just another government program gone bad -- a $300 ashtray, stimulus money fraud, Solyndra or Van Jones.

It isn't just a story about some government official refusing to testify.

It isn't even a story about an American dying as a result of a government program, as outrageous as that is. Yes, Brian Terry died at the hands of a Mexican using a Holder-provided American gun. Pat Tillman died. Ron Brown died. People sometimes die as a result of government screw-ups. Fast and Furious is worse.

Innocent people dying was the objective of Fast and Furious, not collateral damage.

It would be as if the Bush administration had implemented a covert operation to dump a dangerous abortifacient in Planned Parenthood clinics, resulting in hundreds of women dying -- just to give pro-lifers an argument about how dangerous abortion clinics are.

That's what Fast and Furious is about.


Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Divide and Conquer

It was only 50 years into the birth of our country that a French political thinker and historian, Alexis de Tocqueville, came to America to have a look around. He was astounded that this young country was already competing in world markets. He wrote in his book “Democracy in America” of the amazing work ethic and the shear drive to become independent of any political regime. Family and community came first. All that was asked of the government was to protect the sovereignty and stay out of the way.

Other than the Civil War, our federal government did mostly that. I realize detractors can cite many isolated instances where the Federal Government overstepped their bounds. However, it wasn’t until The New Deal and then The Great Society that true Socialism crept into our house. For the next 50 years or so, American individualism remained dominate over the socialist movement. However, those who had a bent on overpowering the individual freedoms granted in the Constitution were already hatching their plans in the late 1960’s.

Back then Richard Cloward and Francis Piven advocated a strategy of overloading the new welfare system in the U.S. in order to split, “Divide and Conquer”, America and control, through a powerful federal government, all aspects of our lives. Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dorn among others continued to try to divide America by blowing up government buildings and offices and causing general havoc in the early 1970’s. The general consensus is that Barack Obama is the quintessential extension of these socialists given his direct association with them throughout the years.

Whatever the truth is, and we will never really know, it is blatantly apparent that the current president has affixed on his desk a reminder post-it note that reads, “Divide and Conquer”. He knows full well that creating a rift between Americans with a strong individual work ethic and those that feel that government owes them all the comforts of  living in America, will result in a week Constitution and an overthrow of the ideals brought forth by our Founders.

On this July 4th, I am going to remember back to the country that Alexis what’s-his-name found when he visited us only 50 years into our greatness. I’m going to pray that we can find a way to come together once again and re-instill that individual determination to be the best country in the world - because we are all united as Americans.

Want to join me?

If you enjoy reading my blog, would you please share the link with others? I do some commercial writings and it always helps to have a successful blog under one's belt. Thanks.


Sunday, July 1, 2012

True Colors

Ok . . .I know from the rather vile gloating from totally uninformed Obamacrates, that they think they are about to get free healthcare. They are sure that they can suck money from the “1%” to pay all their bills. “Gimme, gimme, gimme” is the mantra of this decade. And it is all wrapped up in a neat little package called “feelings” that Conservatives simply don’t have. Conservative politicians are heartless; Liberals have only the poor, the down-trodden and (this one always amuses me) the less fortunate people in their hearts. A vote for Obama will guarantee that every poor person will get a scoop of ice cream.

However, sometimes true colors bleed through to the surface. You need only look for that stain in the right place and you will find it through the thick fabric of deceit. Here is an example:

Last week, the Supreme Court handed down a ruling that most Americans (and several Senators) didn’t even know was part of Obamacare. They, in essence, told the administration and all the Congresspersons that so gleefully voted for the bill, that they could not simply forget about the poor, downtrodden and less fortunate in any state that opted out of the massive Medicaid expansion plans. Wow! Medicaid expansion! I’ll vote for that, right? Guess those libs really do care for the poor.

Hold up there, Kimo Sabe. Let’s take a little further look. Let’s consider the “or” in the mandate. Or . . . Obamacare will eliminate all of the federal funding for Medicaid to the offending State. Boy, that’ll show ‘em! In most states that adds up to billions of dollars yanked from the people who need it most. You guessed it; the poor, downtrodden and less fortunate.  Sorta leaves that thinking with your heart stuff out in left field.

Before my liberal friend’s heads explode on this one, let me say this. I think that the Medicaid program is a wonderful thing. As an insurance agent, I have spent many hours in the homes of families and individuals who benefit dearly from the program. It is a federal tax well spent. Of course it is administered poorly and the abuses are exponential. But, I have seen it work first-hand for very, very poor people who, through no fault of their own, receive a benefit that helps make their days go a little more smoothly. Maybe that is why I was so upset when I realized that The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) was using the poor, downtrodden and less fortunate as a bargaining chip to curry votes.

But, I’m just saying.

Saturday, May 26, 2012


This is just too easy. Barack Obama, President of the United States, whole-heartedly supports the completely failed War on Drugs. In fact, he even escalated swat raids on marijuana users, dealers and dispensaries. That would not be surprising if a sitting President had a strong conviction that illegal marijuana smoking and sales needed to be enforced because it somehow was the duty of the federal government to do so. Taking that conviction a step further, one would suppose that the Commander in Chief never “inhaled” himself. The hypocrisy would be overwhelming, wouldn’t it?

Well, just hold on there Tonto. We are not dealing with the usual, good-hearted President that stands up for his convictions. In fact, I am befuddled to understand just what Obama’s convictions really are.

Although I did more than just dabble in pot smoking in college and there-after for several years, I never learned of the phrase “Choom Gang” until just recently. Chooming is apparently slang for getting high. Ok, now I’m hip. I learned it from someone who was a regular pot-head in college. He smoked in his dorm, he smoked on the beach, and he smoked in vans with other choomers. He was even a pot-smoking, trend-setter. “Total Absorption” was one of his rules he made up for the world of choomer’s pot parties. TA as he called it was where, if you exhaled prematurely while smoking with the Choom Gang, you would miss a turn when the joint came back to you. In other words, this guy was a real leader (in the world of marijuana smoking). Who would have thought that he would someday become the leader of the free world?

So what’s the problem you ask? I’ll answer that question with another question. How would you feel if you were a parent of a child who was incarcerated for six months for getting busted smoking a joint with his buddies knowing that our own President was an early leader in the proper etiquette for blowing weed with his Choom Gang? When Obama took the Oath of Office, he knew full-well that his own hypocrisy of supporting having kids thrown in jail for something he did on a daily basis was staring him in the face.

I knew a few cops in my hometown back in the early 70’s that would get high with their friends when off duty and then go out and bust other people during the day for the same thing. Outrageous, nauseating, shocking and offensive; who are we talking about here, a couple of cops 40 years ago or our current President?

You decide.  

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Just the Facts

The vilification of George Bush is complete. I’m sure the left will find more blame in some corner of their mind but I just wish everyone would take some personal responsibility and man-up to the fact that Bush has been gone for 3.5 years and is not coming back.

I was angry with G.W. almost out of the gate when he announced that he wanted to reach out to both sides of Congress and avoid vetoing any bills, even the outrageous spending bills that keeps left-leaning constituents voting liberal. Bush kept his promise. He vetoed only 12 bills in his entire presidential career. That is a 200 year record. He was signing every liberal spending bill like they were his Christmas cards. Of course, these non-vetoed spending bills made him look like the biggest spender in presidential history. And he was, up to that date. Of course, Obama has eclipsed that record in only in 3 years. They were not Bush’s bills! But he signed them anyway because he wanted everyone on both sides of the isle to shake his hand on State of the Union Day.

An easy way to start some liberal nail spitting is to use facts to defend George Bush. Facts have never been a friend of the liberal debater. But, here goes.

The day the Democrats took over the Government was not January 22nd, 2009. It was actually January 3rd 2007 when they began ruling over the House of Representatives and the Senate at the very start of the 110th Congress. Up to that time, Bush's economic policies set a record of 52 straight months of job growth. The Dow Jones closed at 12,621.77. The Gross Domestic Product was at 3.5% and unemployment was at 4.6%!

On that same day, the House Financial Services Committee’s new chairman was a man named Barney Frank. Also, the Senate Banking Committee was taken over by Senator Chris Dodd. And those facts spell out the beginning of the end of our 52 months of job growth. In the next 15 months, 6 trillion dollars of toxic loans were dumped into the economy.  The fiasco of Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac was in full swing and the economy was in full crisis.

Interestingly, George Bush, from 2001 on until the end of his presidency, warned Americans and asked Congress 17 times to stop the incredibly risky economic policies of Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac. He also fought so hard to control spending in his last year in office that the liberal Congress had to compromise on their radical spending bills. It was too little, too late. And when George W. Bush left office and Obama stepped up to the plate, it was “Game On!”.

They never looked back.


Monday, March 5, 2012

Respect For Liberal Democrats

In a rather dire warning to freedom-loving Americans, I recommend we begin to respect the deceit and slyness that is currently the norm in the Democratic Party and the Obama Administration specifically. They play the gotcha game very well and Conservatives usually bite on whatever maliciousness they deal out by stumbling all over themselves.

This past week, we have experienced a perfect example of Conservatives falling over the cliff and possibly setting themselves up to lose the election next fall. In the New Hampshire debates, George Stephanopoulos asked a question of Mitt Romney that, at the time, seemed to come out of left field. He asked Romney whether or not the Constitution allowed states to ban contraception. Romney came back with a statement that the idea of putting forward things that states might want to do that no state wants to do and asking me if I want to do it is kind of a silly thing. Well, apparently it was not so silly after all. No doubt that question was a result of a democratic agenda that really reared its ugly head this past week. Congressional Democrats could not get an actual committee together to put the spotlight on Sandra Fluke (a self-proclaimed, activist student from Georgetown University) probably because the issue was particularly ridiculous. She wants the government (us) to pay for her contraception as an entitlement for college coeds because they tend to have a lot of sex. Since Dems could not get a legitimate committee together, they simply had their own, complete with the mainstream media salivating on every word.

Then Conservatives began weighing in. Attacks against this “person of interest” (I don’t dare call her anything else) were all over the board. Rush Limbaugh bit the hardest. MSNBC lib’s eyes were practically popping out of their heads with glee.

And so . . . it worked. Mindless voters will now vote against any Republican because it appears that Republicans want to keep college age woman from having fun and to have some kind of control over woman’s reproductive rights. Never mind the real issues. This administration loses every debate on those. Just divert to inane topics that will stir up single-minded emotions into a frenzy. It’s the “Republicans want to kill old people” thing all over again.

Better keep buying that gold and silver and put your money into safer, Mexican banks. It may be a long four more years.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Jumping Into The Fray

I am making a change in my blog content today and for the future. I have tried to keep politics out of the subject matter in my first few entries. But, as you have probably noticed, I just can’t help myself. I have also been asked a few times to “put that in your blog” when I am spewing political rhetoric to friends. So I am jumping into the fray. I will try in this particular submission to convey where I tend to stand on various topics. Then future entries will deal with the topics of the day or week and include quotes and videos from other blogs that I follow to help me make my own decisions on the issues.

The following is just a brief synopsis of some of my views. They are not always liberal, not always conservative and certainly not in the middle.

The Constitution
It is probably the single most profoundly successful political document in history. Politicians need to keep their grubby little hands off. 

I believe that life begins at conception. In a sense, we are “killing” or terminating a life when we abort a fetus. However, our ability to abort humans will always be a part of our lives and because of that we need some government controls to insure it is done safely. With respect to the life of the mother, she has every right to abort the baby if it will save her life. However, the use of abortion for birth control is always wrong.

Healthcare Reform
One of the last things we need the government in control of is healthcare. Just look at Medicare.  Lifting the amazingly burdensome, senseless regulations and instituting tort reform would bring insurance premiums tumbling down and immediately improve the quality of healthcare.

The United States Border
One of the two biggest disasters in the U.S. today

Teachers Unions
The other biggest disaster

Climate Change
Not too far into the future, governments, politicians and environmentalists will probably be pushing to control our every move because the earth is, once again, cooling off.

The War on Drugs
Just dumb

Gun Control
Read the Second Amendment. The reason for that amendment is just as valid today as it was on Dec.15, 1791.

The President
I’m definitely not an Obama fan. I have voted for many Republicans and a few Democrats. I would have voted for Bobby Kennedy if he had not been shot. I was very angry with G.W. for signing every liberal spending bill congress sent him. But now, we are just about to literally fall off the cliff and the administration wants to spend trillions more. WTF??

I would relish lots of comments. I’m sure there will be some vitriol included in the text. It’s expected and I have the delete button. But I will hesitate to use it.

And as always . . . . .I’m Just Saying