Sunday, March 23, 2014

Well . . .excuse me!!

To steal a phrase from Rod Serling, “Imagine if you will” about 35 years ago, when liberals in America were having a tough time being heard, a bunch of neo-progressives were trying to come up with a cause that they could foist on Americans that would make us feel so bad about ourselves that we would start voting for big government and big taxes once again.  Hmmm . . .what could that be?. . . Eureka!!  We've got it!  Climate Change!  Of course it was called Global Warming up until the warming stopped and changed back to cooling. Now we are supposed to feel bad about ourselves and vote for Democrats because, if we don’t, the climate will continue to change. That certainly is an inconvenient truth.

Scads of lists in favor of controlling the behavior of humans because they are the culprits directly effecting changes in the weather pop up on Facebook, Twitter and blogs every day. Aside from the fact that virtually anyone who claims to be a researcher in order to prove that Americans are scumbags if they drive any car that gets less than 30 mpg, will be awarded a hefty grant and a private tour of the White House, I am going to make my own list. There will be no government hand out of grant money for me. I suppose also that after the NSA reads my blog, my food stamps will also disappear.

1. Climate has always changed.  It will always be changing.  If the climate didn't change, we wouldn't need curvy weather girls to tell us about it.

2.  It is simply not true that all scientists agree that Global Warming is an issue. In fact all scientists can't even agree that all scientists are scientists.

3.  Ecosystems adapt. Always have; always will.  And if a certain animal can't adapt to the current climate change, we can kill it and eat it. 

4.  If cow flatulence contributes to greenhouse gasses, how come the earth didn't have greenhouse gas problems during the Jurassic Era?  I mean those guys were big enough to blow down an oak tree with their farts and there was an Ice Age going on then!

That just about does it.  Thanks to my brief, but profound list, you now have all the ammunition you need to debate the issues of climate change.  On the other hand, you might want to consider switching to the dark side and applying for a government grant to study why there are less Canadians moving to Florida in the winter than there used to be. 

The truth is, without climate change, I wouldn't be outside in my lounger with shorts on and a margarita typing this up.  

Oops . . .I just contributed to the greenhouse gas issue. Sorry.

Friday, March 7, 2014

 And So It Goes . . .

Dr. Jack Wheeler was a West Point graduate, a Vietnam veteran, and the man who was the driving force behind financing the construction of the Vietnam Veteran's Memorial.  He fought long and hard for the dignity and honor of the fallen Vietnam War soldiers.  He served three presidents as an aide and advisor - Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush, and he served as a special assistant to the Secretary of the Air Force and a military consultant.

Here is an article written by Dr. Wheeler that you may have never heard of due to it’s immediate suppression by those . . . well, those who wanted it suppressed

"All of us need to raise our glasses the highest to the Navy SEALS who popped those three Somali pirates. And I'm sure you want to hear the real story of what happened especially because there is a revoltingly opportunistic and cowardly side to it.

Why, for example, did it take SEAL Team Six (aka DEVGRU, Navy Special Warfare Development Group) over 36 hours to get to the scene? Because President Obama refused to authorize the SEAL deployment for those 36 hours, during which the OSC, the on-scene commander, Cmdr. Frank Castellano of the USS Bainbridge, repeatedly requested them. Cmdr. Castellano is a very mature and experienced commanding officer and is rock solid in his decisions.

Once the SEALS arrived, parachuting from a C-17 into the ocean near the ship, Obama then imposed Rules of Engagement (ROE) specifying the SEALS could not do anything unless the life of the hostage, Captain Richard Phillips, was in "imminent" danger. Thus, when Capt. Phillips attempted to escape by jumping off the lifeboat into the ocean, the SEAL snipers had all four pirates sighted in and could have taken them out then and there. But they couldn't fire due to Obama’s ROE restrictions.

When the SEALS approached the lifeboat in a RIB (rigid-hull inflatable boat) carrying supplies for Capt. Phillips and the pirates, the pirates fired on them. Not only was no fire returned due to Obama’s ROE, but as the pirates were shooting at the RIB, SEAL snipers on the Bainbridge had them all dialed in. Again, no triggers were pulled due to the ROE.

Two specific rescue plans were developed by Cmdr. Castellano and the SEAL teams. Obama personally refused to authorize them. After the second refusal and days of dithering, Cmdr. Castellano decided he had the Operational Area and OSC authority to "solely determine risk to hostage" and did not require any further approval by the president. He took unilateral action on Sunday, April 12, 2009.
Four hours later, the White House is informed that three pirates are dead and Capt. Phillips has been rescued unharmed. A White House press release was immediately issued, giving credit to the president for his "daring and decisive" behavior that resulted in such success.

Barack Obama has absolutely no military knowledge or experience whatsoever. He demanded his personal control over the entire hostage drama to the last detail. All actions required his personal approval. He dithered like a coward while the world laughed at our warships flummoxed by four illiterate teenagers with worn-out AKs in a lifeboat.

Only when the Navy Commander decided to ignore his Pantywaist-in Chief and take action and responsibility himself, were the incredible skills of the SEALS put into play. That Obama could cynically and opportunistically claim that his "bold, calm and tough" leadership was responsible should remind everyone that not a single action, not a single word of this man can be trusted. He is bereft of honesty and moral character. He is a complete Zero."

Dr. Jack Wheeler

Shortly after writing this article, Dr. Jack Wheeler was found murdered in a dumpster near his home in Newark, Delaware.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Stupid Sarah

You may have heard by now that Sarah Palin, the most vilified human in history by The Left, said that if Barack Obama became President, Russia would eventually invade the Ukraine. At the time, she was running for Vice President of the United States and I thought it was a bold statement considering that Liberals were calling her everything from a whore to simply stupid.  What could she possibly know about Russia?  She’s nothing more than a Republican – and a woman!  How crazy is that??

It is a natural trait of the Liberal psyche that minorities (namely Women, Blacks, Latinos, Undocumented Workers and the Unborn) are lower than dog shit unless they totally toe the line politically with their left-wing, socialist religion.  So, it must be frustrating to hear that Sarah, the stupid female lover of the Constitution, was right.  She was just lucky.  She’s just not that smart.

Really?  I’m not so sure about that.  She doesn't mince words and she rarely panders to the masses in her speeches.  But what she has to say is usually spot on.  Much like Harry Truman, she’s Americana.  She says what she means and means what she says and if you don’t like it, you can go suck a moose.  No thanks.  But I find her home-spun way of looking at the world, and our country to be more specific, very refreshing.  It worked for Harry Truman. So why can’t it work for Sarah Palin?

Why?  Because she’s a woman and a Conservative.  You would be hard-pressed to find one Liberal in this entire country who would break the bonds of their religion and vote for a Conservative (if she’s a woman).  It’s just not done.

It is for that reason, and my only reason, that I would not want to see her on the ballot in 2016.  I think she would make a terrific leader of the free world. But Republican woman and/or Conservative Blacks simply are not allowed to be considered as legitimate candidates for the highest office in the land.

I often marvel when I listen to Liberals rail on about the hypocrisy of the Right.  I consider those statements alone to be a hypocritical proclamation considering that their religious dogma excludes minorities from any discussion of serving in politics unless their politics meet the strict demands of the proletariat.

But, as always, I’m Just Saying.