Saturday, May 11, 2013

Grandma's Watching

Most clear-thinking Americans are now beginning to believe that the Obama Administration is inherently corrupt. His Department of State and Department of Justice are in lock-step with him on cover-ups from “Fast and Furious” to Benghazi. These two items are so out there in the open, it is hard to find a “whatever it takes to keep him in office” Liberal who is willing to even discuss those issues.

However, this entire subject is what the phrase “Tip Of The Iceberg” was coined for. You need not look too far beneath the surface to come to the scary conclusion that this is a very massive iceberg.

In the interest of brevity and still make a solid point, I decided to pick just one example of something that will probably remain obscure but  bring out a glowing illustration of the wide swath of dirty politics and downright corruption this man and his henchmen (and woman) have cut through the fabric of America.

The topic is voter fraud. We all know they did it. There are the overt examples from Ohio, Pennsylvania, Colorado and on and on. But here is an example of one of the many hundreds of ways it was pulled off.

From the time Obama took office, an unholy alliance has developed between the Department of Justice and the ACLU. Now, to most Americans, it would seem to go without saying that the role of the DOJ should be to protect voter integrity, not join with radical leftwing groups in trying to undermine it. But remember, this is the Obama Justice Department, with Eric Holder as its chief – a man so disdainful of basic security measures and legal protection to ensure free and fair elections that he has become a regular on Judicial Watch’s “Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians” list.

In Florida, a lawsuit in early 2012 was brought against the State because it was proven that Florida had an amazingly high rate of ineligible voters on the registration roles. Florida immediately went into action to attempt to clean up the problem. Wait just a minute there Mr. Sunshine State! “Not so fast,” said Eric Holder. The DOJ, with the help of the ACLU, then followed with its own lawsuit on June 12, 2012, asking a federal court to enjoin the state from taking steps to inquire about the presence of non-eligible aliens on voting rolls. It all came to a screeching halt and thousands of illegal votes were cast for? Now wait! Think about it . . . Right! Barack Obama.

From the very top of the federal government down to the liberal grassroots, there seems to be a general acceptance that breaking the law to keep Obama in the White House is perfectly OK. A brand new case-in-point just reared its ugly head yesterday when it was revealed that the IRS was targeting Tea Party members for tax audits. The Tea Party??  In every picture I have ever seen of a Tea Party rally I never saw a person that looked like he or she did not pay their due in taxes to the federal government. Most of them look like someone’s grandma or grandpa. What are the Libs so afraid of?

Of course, when we were kids, the last person you wanted mad at you was your grandma or grandpa. Then you knew you did something really wrong.

I rest my case.


Free and Breezy said...

Chuck (housebroken boy) I love what you write. If I could write as well as you do, I would probably write the exact same things.

Billy Brat said...

Like you said awhile back, you get what you vote for.

Anonymous said...

You nailed it.