Saturday, January 14, 2012

Doing What Comes Natural

"You should write a blog." "Who  . . .me?" That's a typical conversation after several drinks with friends Usually, I have been talking too loud in a bar and expounding on something that I'm sure my friends need to know. I have no doubt that they feel that telling me to put it in a blog is their meager attempt to shut me up.

So . . .now I have a blog. It will not shut me up in a bar, but it does give me a chance to expound to a much larger audience. Maybe I should stay home, get drunk and do my expounding on YouTube. Then I would have the opportunity to talk loud too. At any rate, this is going to have to suffice for now.

Since I have a tendency to be a bit quirky, it's difficult to get a grasp on just who or what I am, or am not. So I thought I had better help by making a list.

1. I am not a brilliant Conservative thinker.
2. I am not a brain-dead Liberal
3. I love to burn fossil fuels.
4. I put catsup on everything.
5. I think everyone, except me, should own a gun.
6. I can't get mad at a panda.
7. I believe that on Dec. 21, 2012 the sun will come up in the East.
8. I have decided not to run for public office.
9. I rarely do illicit things anymore.
10. I do not care what other people think . . unless they are wrong.

So, there you have it; the 10 most important things to know about me.

I will actually write something of great importance very soon. If you hold your breath long enough, you will not be around to read it. I hate to commit to a regular day each week etc. That's for people who actually make money at this. Please sign up/join my blog. That way I will know if you exist. It will also let me know if this is at all worth the effort. If you wish, you may email me at and I will put you on the list of misfits who want to keep up with my musings. Then I will email you when I have posted another entry. Comments are always welcome.

I'm just saying.


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