Saturday, September 8, 2012


If the election were held today, Barack Obama would win. So let’s just take that further and set the stage for the next four years.

Under the next four years of Obama’s “Rule”:

  1. America’s government will finalize the process of turning their backs on Israel which will encourage Iran and Hamas to attack, knowing full well that, if we intercede, it will be a half-hearted measure at best.
  2. Obamacare will go forward, insuring that (very conservatively) 40% of physicians over the age of 50 will retire or simply quit.
  3. The federal government will go into overdrive to take over most major businesses that have been weakened by the economy by buying them out (with our tax money) and nationalize them, putting the unions in charge.
  4. Government education will bottom out to the point that our children will be the last consideration when it comes to an actual education. (We are pretty much already there).
  5. Any conceivable rights protecting the life of unborn children will be forgotten in the name of federal decisions.
  6. Medicare Advantage plans will cease, leaving millions of low income seniors with no protection beyond the paltry benefits of Medicare.
  7. Several States in the US will consider the amazing, but potential enactment of seceding from The Union in order to preserve the original Constitution and our capitalistic way of life.
  8. It is very likely the federal government will no longer recognize The Constitution as the official creed of the United States, giving Barack Obama the ability to continue his reign as Supreme Commander.
  9. Any reference to God or organized, Christian religion outside of the four walls of a church will be met with either a fine or imprisonment. (That has already occurred on high school campuses)
  10. An estimated 80% of the real wealth held in US banks will be redistributed to countries that have not yet socialized their government.
  11.  As a result of #10, America will go broke and the poor will suffer to the point of actually becoming a liability on the "Supreme" government.
  12. Three million more Americans are out of work since Obama took office. So let’s just suppose conservatively that 6 million will be out of work by 2016.
  13. Again conservatively, 20% of all medium to large businesses that the government did not nationalize, will leave for greener pastures.
  14. Our status in the world has eroded so much in the past four years it’s hard to believe that it could get worse. It will.
  15. The Federal Government will be so over-spent that our beloved infrastructure will have been eroding for several years.
  16. The rights of illegal aliens will supersede any rights that a constitutionally born citizen of the US was originally guaranteed. (Sound familiar?)
So, many who are reading this may be saying “Oh, that will never happen” on several of my prognostications. I understand your hesitance. But just think back say . . .twenty years ago and consider #16. I think you might have said those same words then and - Low and Behold! We’re already there.


Anonymous said...

Not too happy with your comments, Chuck, in fact, rather depressing. With Romney, extremely scary! What choice do we have here?

Suzie Levin said...

So, now we're there. Not sure we can survive this.