Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Divide and Conquer

It was only 50 years into the birth of our country that a French political thinker and historian, Alexis de Tocqueville, came to America to have a look around. He was astounded that this young country was already competing in world markets. He wrote in his book “Democracy in America” of the amazing work ethic and the shear drive to become independent of any political regime. Family and community came first. All that was asked of the government was to protect the sovereignty and stay out of the way.

Other than the Civil War, our federal government did mostly that. I realize detractors can cite many isolated instances where the Federal Government overstepped their bounds. However, it wasn’t until The New Deal and then The Great Society that true Socialism crept into our house. For the next 50 years or so, American individualism remained dominate over the socialist movement. However, those who had a bent on overpowering the individual freedoms granted in the Constitution were already hatching their plans in the late 1960’s.

Back then Richard Cloward and Francis Piven advocated a strategy of overloading the new welfare system in the U.S. in order to split, “Divide and Conquer”, America and control, through a powerful federal government, all aspects of our lives. Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dorn among others continued to try to divide America by blowing up government buildings and offices and causing general havoc in the early 1970’s. The general consensus is that Barack Obama is the quintessential extension of these socialists given his direct association with them throughout the years.

Whatever the truth is, and we will never really know, it is blatantly apparent that the current president has affixed on his desk a reminder post-it note that reads, “Divide and Conquer”. He knows full well that creating a rift between Americans with a strong individual work ethic and those that feel that government owes them all the comforts of  living in America, will result in a week Constitution and an overthrow of the ideals brought forth by our Founders.

On this July 4th, I am going to remember back to the country that Alexis what’s-his-name found when he visited us only 50 years into our greatness. I’m going to pray that we can find a way to come together once again and re-instill that individual determination to be the best country in the world - because we are all united as Americans.

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Howard Bonds said...

Wow, that was so good. you write such short columns that say so much. My wife and I look forward to your next installment. What do you think of the immigration problem? We would like to know wehat you think.

Laurie Westbrook said...

My uncle is a small town doctor in Oklahoma. If Obama is reelected, he is giving up his practice and moving to Costa Rica.

Chuck said...

Yup . . .I think Costa Rica will be reaping the most benefits form Obamacare.
