Sunday, January 5, 2014


Melissa Harris-Perry, is a news commentator who has been given her own show at the bastion of deep thought called MSNBC.   Ms. Perry is a continuing line of snarky, liberal hosts there that feel there are no rules when it comes to ripping Conservatives a new one on the air.  Her latest is the strangely uncouth manner in which she and her guests laughed at a picture of the Romney family where Mitt Romney was holding his infant, adopted grandchild who happened to be black. She has since apologized on the air.  Apologies have been a regular part of their broadcast segments for several years now.  Apparently “no matter how vile we are, an apology always saves our dignity”.

So, let’s examine Melissa Harris-Perry’s dignity a little further.  As a professor of Political Science at Tulane University, we can understand and sympathize a bit that the profession alone qualifies her to be a Liberal hack. But it might be better to take a look at a couple of other instances where she has shown that she will likely have a warm, comfortable home on MSNBC.

Last July, Ms. Harris-Perry donned a pair of tampon earrings on her show to show support for abortion rights in this country.  She shared the fact that her producer had made them for her the week before.  I can just imagine the fun and hilarity that must take place at that network every day as a replacement for human rights and dignity.

Ready for another one?  Brace yourself.  Ms. Harris or Perry or . . .I’ll just call her Melissa, says that life begins when the parents say it does and that can be weeks or months or even years after they are born. That being the case, it’s up to the parents whether or not to let their child live even after they are born.  I have a question for Melissa.  At what point do we stop calling it abortion and call it murder?  Or do we need a new liberal catch phrase to identify that period of time between birth and when the parents decide to let their children live?  I’m just asking.

We all know that MSNBC is not a “news” organization.  But, I truly feel that they also do not represent the Liberal base in America today.  They have the lowest viewership on a regular basis of all cable news outlets.  My problem with them is not that they are radical Liberals.  It’s just that they are so over the top that they tend to damage any good that could come from Liberals that continue to strive hard to bring honesty and dignity to the Democratic Party.

Wow . . . I just included the words honesty, dignity and Liberals in the same sentence. Anything is possible.

Just a note: I am constantly asked why I capitalize the word Liberals sometimes and sometimes not. When referring to Liberals (the people) I capitalize and when I am referring to the word liberal as a dogma, I do not. And since I always capitalize the word Conservative, it’s the least I can do for our misguided brethren. 


Jenny P. said...

You nailed it once again Chuck. Free speech has it's price.

Becky Wall Waltz said...

Another great one, Chuck! I love your blog!!

Anonymous said...

My uncle was interviewed for a writer's position at MSNBC. He is a life-long Democrat. He had written an article about Ronald Reagan several years ago. It wasn't even very nice stuff about him. MSNBC turned him down because he was to soft on Conservatives.

Suzann Burrell Haas said...

Nailed that one Chuck! As for when life begins, when the bills start I would say it has started! That is usually at the first pre birth appointment when you find out your insurance leaves you a BIG balance they want BEFORE said child arrives!