Saturday, October 19, 2013


I’m celebrating another birthday this weekend. Well . . . celebrating may not be the word. We celebrate our 16th when we get our driver’s license and our 21st when we drive to the bar. But this is 65. I do have that strange feeling of  “Whew! I made it.” I expected that I would not be looking forward so much to things ahead. But, I have two beautiful grand kids and, I have just recently been given an opportunity to be a part of a new business with a bright future. For that I am very grateful

The other thing that tends to happen when you reach these high numbers on you birthday cards is a desire to look back over your life. And . . . that’s exactly what I have been doing lately. Here are a few highlights.

I remember when I was 5 and there was politics on TV. I understood somewhat about the elections and I asked my sister who she thought would win the presidency. She said “Everyone knows it will be Eisenhower.” If everyone knows that, I thought, why bother with the election?

I remember Saturday morning TV. Fury, Sky King and The Lone Ranger. How cool was that?

I remember when I was 7 my family’s retail store burned down. Till then, I didn’t know my dad could cry.

I remember when I was 8, Khrushchev telling us he was going to bury us. That’s when I first learned that people hated free countries.

I remember when I was 9, lighting the ends of my sister’s Tampax and throwing them out an upstairs window. Hey . . . they looked like firecrackers to me. They were all duds.

I remember at 15 watching the flag on the courthouse building drop to half-mast because our President had just died.

I remember at 16 taking driver training and soon after we got our licenses, two of my good friends, one who was in driver training with me, died together in a terrible crash.

Every time I think back to my first love, I smile. She was like the perfect first girlfriend a guy could have asked for. And yes . . . I messed that up.

Then I remember (confession time) using my uncle’s influence to slip me into college early to stay out of the draft.

The rest of my years I spent as a grown-up. There have been happy times, sad times, tough times, glorious times and tragedies. Would I change some things? Of course. Everything? No way.

All in all, I think my life-long friends and family have been my greatest gift. And now, I am going over to my family’s home (grand kids included) to celebrate . . . well yes celebrate, who I am and where I am in my life.

No doubt a few Facebook pictures will soon follow.