Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Uniquely Us
Most of my friends know that I tend to look up every evening
after dark as I walk outside or step out of a car. I just feel that, since we are the only
living creatures on earth that can perceive of and appreciate the wonder and
beauty of our surroundings, we should take full advantage of it every chance we
Astronomers, cosmologists, even pseudo philosophers go out
of their way to remind us that we used to think we were unique in the universe.
But now that we can look all the way back to just a few billion years before
the beginning, (I don’t like to call it “The Big Bang” ‘cause there probably
was no bang) we see billions upon billions of galaxies and trillions upon
trillions of stars and we realize that we are nothing special. They are certain
that there are other intelligent beings scattered throughout the cosmos. I do
too. In fact, I have no doubt that we
are being visited by entities other than ourselves all the time. But I tend to
bristle just a bit when these learned intellectuals continually try to remind
us that WE are not special in the universe.
I can’t imagine how much more special we could be! In fact, since we are talking big numbers,
billions of things had to occur in order for us to exist at all. Then, for US to have developed into a
walking, talking, intelligent entity in our own right, certainly gives us the undeniable
justification to announce that “We Are Unique!” and “We Are Special!” Our human
brain is the most complex, sophisticated biological organ in at least 25,689,593,615,256
miles. (I rounded to the nearest mile). That’s pretty special is it not?
Our universe is special too. Did you know that if the rate
of expansion of the universe had been 1 millionth of a degree slower, it would
have imploded upon itself and . . . OK - you know the rest.
To take this specialness to the next level, we are not just special because we live “on” the earth, but because we participate “with” the earth. We, and every living plant and animal are an integral part of the earth’s formation and its beauty and the special, wonderful balance that makes it all work.
I’ve never seen a UFO. But when I do, I’ll feel pretty smug knowing they are looking at us with awe and reverence because we are a very special part of our wonderful universe.
But, as usual . . . I’m just sayin’
Sunday, June 8, 2014
I will begin this by saying, I don't
know what I'm talking about. That is to say, I can't be certain of
anything regarding global warming or the new disaster, climate
change. But it seems I'm in good company. Apparently, nobody knows.
In any point/counterpoint debate, both sides make excellent
arguments. I have been watching the new Cosmos series regularly and
did not miss last week's thorough discussion about how the earth is
going to evaporate if we don't stop mowing our lawns. OK . . .that
wasn't in there. But that is how I felt. I am practically single
handedly at fault for what will soon be a rise in the oceans so
devastatingly bad that the Daytona 500 will soon be a boat race.
So here's my problem. To this point,
it still appears that either side could be right. Knowing that
however, naturally leads to the argument that if the world is warming
up, humans must drastically change their lives to keep it from
happening. “We just can't take the chance that we are wrong”,
they say. I understand that too. What has me a bit skeptical about
this entire issue is the fact that the topic's point and counterpoint fall strictly down political lines. Liberals urge the need to
control human behavior and conservatives say, “Not so fast”.
In the late 1990's I attended a talk by
Mikhail Gorbachev at the University of Georgia that disturbed me just
a bit. Throughout his career, he was pretty good at disturbing
people. He discussed the fact that he had founded an organization
called Green Cross International in 1993, just 2 years after the fall
of the U.S.S.R. He eluded to the idea that GCI's purpose was to
infiltrate environmentalist organizations and, with the right
propaganda and phony climate fraud, environmentalists would be easy
targets as unwitting minions. He said that with an issue like Global
Warming, the only way it could be solved, if it even could, assuming
it were real, would be by a global government dictating and rationing
the worlds resources. Being somewhat amazed by what I heard, I
though maybe the translator was mixing up words and that Gorbachev
hadn't said it exactly that way. But as time went on, that is
exactly how it played out. The “Green Movement” became a liberal
base from which governments could control human behavior. And
Mikhail Gorbachev was one of their leaders.
Jumping up to today, most of how it all
got started has been replaced by a general acceptance that Grandma is a
scumbag if she doesn't get rid of her Cadillac Escalade and buy a
Smart Car.
So, I'll end this where I began. I
don't know. It does seem though, that there is a rush to judgment
that is driven by political motives rather than humanistic concerns.
Maybe a political compromise should be considered. Here is mine.
Someone please tell Barack Obama that if he would OK the Keystone XL
Pipeline Project, I'll stop mowing the lawn.
Sunday, April 27, 2014
Ever since apes were artificially inseminated by ancient aliens and modern humans got brains, there has been a proliferation of new weapons to claim territory or just kick ass for no good reason. So our ancestors all had to take sides. Usually there was a good side where those humans wanted to live in peaceful coexistence and a rather bad side where those humans just wanted to kill other humans for whatever reason. From that point forward, weapons were introduced to keep the peace or break the peace.
So enough of the history lesson. You get the point. Rocks, sharp rocks, knives, bow and arrows, flint-locks, revolvers, semi-automatics and automatics; someone was always coming up with something that turned the balance of power on to their side until someone else topped that and the balance would go the other way. As long as there are good guys and bad guys, it will always be that way. It is a balance that has kept bad guys in check for, well, forever. If you take it further to nuclear weapons, at least to this point, we are not speaking Japanese or German because the good guys got the bomb first. This is a logic that I would dare say a 5th grader can easily understand. Balance of power.
OK - Now, here is the problem. We now have a very large group of humans in our country and throughout the world who simply don’t think that maintaining that balance really makes a difference in the scheme of things. They simply do not like guns and they especially do not like humans to have guns. So they want to deprive all humans except their governments from having guns. Now, of course, 5th grade logic will tell you that it is only possible to take away guns from one side of the good guy/bad guy equation. Problem is, it’s the good guy side. “No matter”, they say. Take their guns anyway. Well . . . where’s the balance in that? Without the balance, the power shifts entirely onto the bad side and those humans who were keeping the peaceful coexistence as peaceful as possible, are rendered impotent. I’m sure you get my drift. This is what we call Liberal Logic.
Consider though, the fact that a balance has always been obtained after, of course, many humans died and one side or the other accomplished the shift back in their favor. I have no doubt that we will see that here in America again. Gun-grabbing will not be a healthy thing for Liberals to do over the next few years. We already see gun sales at an all-time high. Many shooting ranges boast more woman signing up for lessons than men. In other words, the ill-fated logic of taking away guns from law-abiding citizens has created a nation growing in unprecedented gun ownership.
And there you have it. The natural balance of power shifting once again. No doubt there will soon come a time when you will not hear much from the gun-grabbers because they will have become the impotent ones.
God Bless America!
Thursday, April 17, 2014
There is so much bad press from the mainstream media,
liberal mudslingers and even old-time conservatives about the Tea Party that I
began to wonder. What would happen, based on their core beliefs, if a Tea
Party candidate were sworn in January 2009 instead of . . . well, you know.
If a Tea Party Conservative were elected President in 2008
and he had a cooperative Congress, chances are this is where we would be
There would be no Edward Snowden
spilling espionage secrets to our enemies because there would be no invasion of
privacy of innocent Americans.
Our boarders would be shut tight
and any illegal aliens would be treated fairly but legally in decisions whether
they must return to their own country or not.
Gun ownership would be considered
a sacred honor and a Constitutional right and there would be no need for the
government to fear its own citizens.
The enormous size of our federal
government would be drastically reduced.
Personal income taxes along with
all other taxes would be slashed.
Deficit spending would end.
Our military would be
fundamentally strengthened to deter and deny any emboldened countries and
religious terrorists from attacking us at home or abroad.
All government agencies from
Federal down to Local would be put on notice that any voting irregularities
will be met with swift investigations and prosecutions.
The Constitution of the United
States would be followed to the letter as
interpreted only by the Judicial Branch of the United States Government.
Private health insurance would be
available to everyone at greatly lowered premiums and to those who still cannot
afford it, through the use of private pools.
Premiums would drop like a rock due to the lifting of government
regulations and tort reform.
Corporations would have the
freedoms they are afforded in the Rule of Law and would not be bullied by the
federal government to adhere to vote-garnering demands and undue taxation. Also, when those undue corporate taxes drop, the cost of goods and services would drop significantly right along with it.
A fair and equitable income tax
would be in place that does not favor one political group over another.
The IRS and other Federal Agencies
would NEVER have the ability or the directive from the Executive Branch to
illegally punish Americans by denying tax exemptions set forth by our laws.
NO American, whether a government
worker or regular citizen would ever be left behind to die in a foreign land
without all possible efforts to save them being deployed.
These are the things I can think of that are pretty much
“no-brainers” but I’m sure there’s more.
If you think of one put it in the comments below.
Now, I know what some will say. “How do you know that is
what would happened if a Tea Party candidate had won the election?” After pondering on that for at least 2.5
seconds, I have an answer, “I Don’t!!” I
merely said “Chances Are”. Even if only
50% of those things happened in the past 6 years, what a better country this
would be.
. . . and as you well know by now, I’m Just Sayin’
Saturday, April 12, 2014
Today marks the 49th anniversary since, what
became known as the Palm Sunday Tornadoes, occurred in my home town. I rarely talk about this but
my local hometown newspaper has asked that people who experienced the tornadoes
share some memories. The following is my account of that day.
It was a beautifully warm day. I had dared to put on shorts
that early in spring in Northern Indiana.
I was still outside late in the afternoon playing some basketball with
friends as we did nearly every chance we had from the time we could walk. I was sixteen, happy, carefree and ready for
whatever life had to offer.
Our neighbor came to the fence and told us to go inside
because he saw on TV that strong storms were on the way. It seemed odd since there was not a cloud in
the sky. But, we all went our separate ways
to go home and watch TV. My dad and I
had just settled down on the couch to check the weather when, once again, our
neighbor came over. He was out of breath
and seemed oddly excited. He had just heard on his police radio that a tornado
had gone through a section of town just south of the city. He said they needed station wagons to
help transport people to the hospital. I know how odd that sounds but that was a different time.
We had a large station wagon and my dad and I were ready to
go. Looking back, I know for sure that
we never considered the drama we were so ready to involve ourselves
in. He wanted me to drive. I was surprised since I had only gotten my
license six months before. But off we went. We drove East and then South toward the area we thought would take us close. But
about halfway there the weather turned into an angry, raging torrent. It was pitch black with frighteningly loud
rain. I could see nothing so I pulled off on the side of the road and
waited. Shortly, it became eerily calm. We assumed it was just another storm. So off we went to see if we could locate
where that tornado came through. As we
drove a little further, we came up on an area of unspeakable devastation. There were no ambulances, no police cars and
no fire trucks. Nothing. Only silence. I pulled off the road and
glanced up a slowly rising hill to view nothing but wood planks everywhere. Dad jumped out of the car and ran over to a
man he saw sitting on the ground with
his arms wrapped around a telephone pole.
I walked over to him too and he was gasping for air. We realized that he was so covered in mud
that his skin could not breathe. We
brushed heaps of wet muck off him. That
seemed to help. I could hear some faint
voices up the hill. They were calls for
help and children crying. That’s when I realized that we were the first people
to arrive in the area. I told dad that
there must have been a second tornado because this had just happened. Emergency vehicles began arriving and dad stayed
with the man we had helped when they took him to an ambulance. I was asked by a young fireman to help him
search for victims. We searched house-to-house which were nothing but rubble. We were looking, listening and pulling out
people from their hiding places. Suffice to say, the next couple of hours were
terrifying, gratifying and life altering for me. I would climb down into basements open to the
sky but so strewn with lumber and furniture that you would never think anyone
could be down there . . . and alive. But they were.
Most of my time walking up the street with the fireman, climbing over the
rubble and training flashlights through the slightest cracks were fruitless
ventures. But then we would find someone. Tears would well up in our eyes as we screamed for emergency people and
threw lumber out of the way.
My dad found me later sitting on a stump, no longer able to help. My brain just shut down. I couldn't look for or look at any more people, dead or alive. We put our arms around each other and walked slowly back to the car. We just got in our car and drove home in a peaceful quietness that we both needed badly.
My dad found me later sitting on a stump, no longer able to help. My brain just shut down. I couldn't look for or look at any more people, dead or alive. We put our arms around each other and walked slowly back to the car. We just got in our car and drove home in a peaceful quietness that we both needed badly.
As it turned out, we had driven up on the secondary access
road to what is called The Sunnyside Edition. A massive “double” category 4
tornado had passed directly over that
area. Apparently when I had to pull off the road and wait for the storm, the big one hit. So, all-in-all, the same general area of my hometown was hit by four tornadoes that night. I would guess we arrived no more than 5 minutes after it had passed.
area. Apparently when I had to pull off the road and wait for the storm, the big one hit. So, all-in-all, the same general area of my hometown was hit by four tornadoes that night. I would guess we arrived no more than 5 minutes after it had passed.
So . . .that’s it. For a few days after, I had trouble sleeping. But
as a teenager, I was pretty resilient. However, I carry many visions with me of
that night that are mine and mine alone.
The stories that came out of the Palm Sunday Tornadoes have been told
through the years in my hometown. Now
you know my story.
This famous picture shows the two tornadoes forming out of one massive cloud.
This is an aerial view of the Sunnyside Subdivision where I was involved in search and rescue.
This is typical of what they found when the sun came up the next morning.
Here is a link to information on The Palm Sunday Tornadoes:
Sunday, March 23, 2014
Well . . .excuse me!!
To steal a phrase from Rod Serling, “Imagine if you will” about 35 years ago, when liberals in America were having a tough time being
heard, a bunch of neo-progressives were trying to come up with a cause that
they could foist on Americans that would make us feel so bad about ourselves
that we would start voting for big government and big taxes once again. Hmmm . . .what could that be?. . . Eureka!! We've got it! Climate Change! Of course it was called Global Warming up
until the warming stopped and changed back to cooling. Now we are supposed to
feel bad about ourselves and vote for Democrats because, if we don’t, the
climate will continue to change. That certainly is an inconvenient truth.
Scads of lists in favor of controlling the behavior of
humans because they are the culprits directly effecting changes in the weather
pop up on Facebook, Twitter and blogs every day. Aside from the fact that virtually anyone who
claims to be a researcher in order to prove that Americans are scumbags if they drive
any car that gets less than 30 mpg, will be awarded a hefty grant and a
private tour of the White House, I am going to make my own list. There will be
no government hand out of grant money for me. I suppose also that after the NSA reads my blog, my food stamps will also disappear.
1. Climate has always changed. It will always be changing. If the climate didn't change, we wouldn't need curvy weather girls to tell us about it.
2. It is simply not true that all scientists agree that Global Warming is an issue. In fact all scientists can't even agree that all scientists are scientists.
3. Ecosystems adapt. Always have; always will. And if a certain animal can't adapt to the current climate change, we can kill it and eat it.
4. If cow flatulence contributes to greenhouse gasses, how come the earth didn't have greenhouse gas problems during the Jurassic Era? I mean those guys were big enough to blow down an oak tree with their farts and there was an Ice Age going on then!
That just about does it. Thanks to my brief, but profound list, you now have all the ammunition you need to debate the issues of climate change. On the other hand, you might want to consider switching to the dark side and applying for a government grant to study why there are less Canadians moving to Florida in the winter than there used to be.
The truth is, without climate change, I wouldn't be outside in my lounger with shorts on and a margarita typing this up.
Oops . . .I just contributed to the greenhouse gas issue. Sorry.
Friday, March 7, 2014
And So It Goes . . .
Dr. Jack Wheeler was a West Point graduate, a Vietnam veteran,
and the man who was the driving force behind financing the construction of the
Vietnam Veteran's Memorial. He fought long and hard for the dignity and honor of
the fallen Vietnam War soldiers. He served three presidents as an aide and
advisor - Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush, and he served as a
special assistant to the Secretary of the Air Force and a military consultant.
Here is an article written by Dr. Wheeler that you may have
never heard of due to it’s immediate suppression by those . . . well, those
who wanted it suppressed.
"All of us need to raise our glasses the highest to the Navy
SEALS who popped those three Somali pirates. And I'm sure you want to hear the
real story of what happened especially because there is a revoltingly
opportunistic and cowardly side to it.
Why, for example, did it take SEAL Team Six (aka DEVGRU, Navy
Special Warfare Development Group) over 36 hours to get to the scene? Because
President Obama refused to authorize the SEAL deployment for those 36 hours,
during which the OSC, the on-scene commander, Cmdr. Frank Castellano of the USS
Bainbridge, repeatedly requested them. Cmdr. Castellano is a very mature and experienced commanding
officer and is rock solid in his decisions.
Once the SEALS arrived, parachuting from a C-17 into the ocean
near the ship, Obama then imposed Rules
of Engagement (ROE) specifying the SEALS could not do anything unless the life
of the hostage, Captain Richard
Phillips, was in "imminent" danger. Thus, when Capt. Phillips
attempted to escape by jumping off the lifeboat into the ocean, the SEAL
snipers had all four pirates sighted in and could have taken them out then and
there. But they couldn't fire due to Obama’s ROE restrictions.
When the SEALS approached the lifeboat in a RIB (rigid-hull inflatable
boat) carrying supplies for Capt. Phillips and the pirates, the pirates fired on
them. Not only was no fire returned due to Obama’s ROE, but as the pirates were
shooting at the RIB, SEAL snipers on the Bainbridge had them all dialed in.
Again, no triggers were pulled due to the ROE.
Two specific rescue plans were developed by Cmdr. Castellano and
the SEAL teams. Obama personally refused to authorize them. After the second
refusal and days of dithering, Cmdr. Castellano decided he had the Operational
Area and OSC authority to "solely determine risk to hostage" and did
not require any further approval by the president. He took unilateral action on
Sunday, April 12, 2009.
Four hours later, the White House is informed that three pirates
are dead and Capt. Phillips has been rescued unharmed. A White House press
release was immediately issued, giving credit to the president for his
"daring and decisive" behavior that resulted in such success.
Barack Obama has absolutely no
military knowledge or experience whatsoever. He demanded his personal control
over the entire hostage drama to the last detail. All actions required his
personal approval. He dithered like a coward while the world laughed at our
warships flummoxed by four illiterate teenagers with worn-out AKs in a
Only when the Navy Commander decided to ignore his Pantywaist-in
Chief and take action and responsibility himself, were the incredible skills of
the SEALS put into play. That Obama could cynically and opportunistically claim
that his "bold, calm and tough" leadership was
responsible should remind everyone that not a single action, not a single word
of this man can be trusted. He is bereft of honesty and moral character. He is
a complete Zero."
Dr. Jack Wheeler
Shortly after writing this article, Dr. Jack Wheeler was
found murdered in a dumpster near his home in Newark, Delaware.
Saturday, March 1, 2014
Stupid Sarah
You may have heard by now that Sarah Palin, the most vilified
human in history by The Left, said that if Barack Obama became President, Russia would
eventually invade the Ukraine .
At the time, she was running for Vice President of the United States
and I thought it was a bold statement considering that Liberals were calling
her everything from a whore to simply stupid. What could she possibly know
about Russia ? She’s nothing more than a Republican – and a woman! How crazy is that??
It is a natural trait of the Liberal psyche that minorities (namely Women, Blacks, Latinos, Undocumented Workers and the Unborn) are lower
than dog shit unless they totally toe the line politically with their
left-wing, socialist religion. So, it must be frustrating to hear that Sarah,
the stupid female lover of the Constitution, was right. She was just lucky. She’s
just not that smart.
Really? I’m not so sure about that. She doesn't mince words
and she rarely panders to the masses in her speeches. But what she has to say
is usually spot on. Much like Harry Truman, she’s Americana. She says what she means
and means what she says and if you don’t like it, you can go suck a moose. No
thanks. But I find her home-spun way of looking at the
world, and our country to be more specific, very refreshing. It worked for
Harry Truman. So why can’t it work for Sarah Palin?
Why? Because she’s a woman and a
Conservative. You would be hard-pressed to find one Liberal in this entire
country who would break the bonds of their religion and vote for a Conservative
(if she’s a woman). It’s just not done.
It is for that reason, and my only
reason, that I would not want to see her on the ballot in 2016. I think she would make a terrific leader of the free world. But Republican woman
and/or Conservative Blacks simply are not allowed to be considered as
legitimate candidates for the highest office in the land.
I often marvel when I listen to
Liberals rail on about the hypocrisy of the Right. I consider those statements
alone to be a hypocritical proclamation considering that their religious dogma
excludes minorities from any discussion of serving in politics unless their
politics meet the strict demands of the proletariat.
Thursday, February 20, 2014
Is There Anything Good About Facebook?
Over the past few years, we have been bombarded by a
technology that seems to be speeding up at a break-neck pace. Cell phones and
smart phones, Andriods and IPhones, Apps and Social Media; our heads seem about
to explode. Those of us who are getting up there in years are beginning to
worry about the looming techno age and its effect on the younger set. We enjoy
looking back to the simpler times with memory joggers on Twitter and Facebook
that make us take just a moment to slow down and sigh.
I want to share something that has happened over the past
several years that most people are unaware of. On the face of it, I am going to
say something good about Facebook. In my hometown an enterprising young lady
and maybe a friend or two came up with a Facebook page that gives anyone who
grew up in our town an opportunity to journey down memory lane with friends,
acquaintances and simply others who grew up in and around the city. If you are
not from that part of the world, there is no need to look it up. That’s not my
point. But consider this. The population of our town is about 50,000 and to
date, we have 10,000 members on the Facebook site. There must be thousands of photos too ranging from scenes of 1950's downtown shots to 3rd grade class pictures. Lot ’s
of posts begin with “Who remembers . . .” or “Does anyone know what happened to
. . .?” We reminisce, we remember, we laugh and we even argue sometimes. The
site is so popular that it’s hard for a dog to run away too long before someone
sees it on our site and alerts the owners. But all in all, it is simply a
wonderful way to spend a rainy (or snowy) Saturday afternoon.
My point is this. I would encourage other Americans who miss
their hometown or maybe still live there and would like to do something
positive for their city and friends to start a site of their own. The craziness
of today’s speedy technology just might have a few benefits that no one ever
imagined just a few years back.
So, instead of clogging up Facebook and Twitter with
politics, personal drama and whatever food you had last night, why not do
something positive for your town, your friends and yourself? Start an “Our Town”
BTW – I know, I can already hear the laughter about clogging
up Facebook with politics. I’m probably one of the biggest offenders. Is there
a 12 step program for Facebook hooligans?
Saturday, February 15, 2014
President Obama has made a calculated decision to shirk his oath of office by blatantly defying our laws, Constitutionally mandated by Congress. I can't believe I can even make that statement. But I can because, not only Fox News, but nearly all of the news agencies have reported just that. It is a fact. Where the reporting differs is in their approval or disapproval of his actions. Democrats seem to think it is perfectly OK to unilaterally usurp the letter of the Constitution to push forward Obama's political agendas.
It gets worse. Last week, while speaking to the Democratic "Center for American Progress", New York Governor, Chuck Schumer said Obama should bypass Congress and use the IRS to diminish all Tea Party activity. The surprise here is not that Chuck Schumer would say such a thing, but that he does say it and no one finds that statement to be outlandish and so out of bounds that he should be censured by the once Great State of New York.
Last week, I wrote about the blatant lawbreaking perpetrated by Democratic election officials across America that, no doubt now that the facts are in, put Obama back in office for a second term.
As you probably already know, or may make this statement yourself, any outward discussion about liberals breaking the law, lying and cheating and subverting their Oath of Office in a no-holds-barred push to assure that their agendas succeed, is usually met with an "Oh, they all do it!".
My answer to that is "Well, maybe. But Liberals are so good at it!!
President Obama has made a calculated decision to shirk his oath of office by blatantly defying our laws, Constitutionally mandated by Congress. I can't believe I can even make that statement. But I can because, not only Fox News, but nearly all of the news agencies have reported just that. It is a fact. Where the reporting differs is in their approval or disapproval of his actions. Democrats seem to think it is perfectly OK to unilaterally usurp the letter of the Constitution to push forward Obama's political agendas.
It gets worse. Last week, while speaking to the Democratic "Center for American Progress", New York Governor, Chuck Schumer said Obama should bypass Congress and use the IRS to diminish all Tea Party activity. The surprise here is not that Chuck Schumer would say such a thing, but that he does say it and no one finds that statement to be outlandish and so out of bounds that he should be censured by the once Great State of New York.
Last week, I wrote about the blatant lawbreaking perpetrated by Democratic election officials across America that, no doubt now that the facts are in, put Obama back in office for a second term.
As you probably already know, or may make this statement yourself, any outward discussion about liberals breaking the law, lying and cheating and subverting their Oath of Office in a no-holds-barred push to assure that their agendas succeed, is usually met with an "Oh, they all do it!".
My answer to that is "Well, maybe. But Liberals are so good at it!!
Saturday, February 1, 2014
When this country was forming and for a hundred years after, people from all over the world immigrated past our shores looking for the opportunity to join in and become a part of the greatest country in history. They believed that, with new found freedom, came responsibility to make something of themselves. And they had the best chance of accomplishing that here. Because here was opportunity in a country that embraced the individual rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
When this country was forming and for a hundred years after, people from all over the world immigrated past our shores looking for the opportunity to join in and become a part of the greatest country in history. They believed that, with new found freedom, came responsibility to make something of themselves. And they had the best chance of accomplishing that here. Because here was opportunity in a country that embraced the individual rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
That was then.
Today, we have become dangerously focused on the idea of
image; an idea which permeates a large part of our society. It’s about being
politically correct and only catering to people who have the right race,
gender, or sexual orientation. People are no longer being looked at as
individuals. Groups and clusters have taken over the voting block. We have come
to think that all women want the same thing, that all Hispanics want the same
Former Colorado Governor Richard Lamm gave a lesson on how
to destroy America not long ago. He says, “If you believe, as many do, that
America is too smug, too white bread, too self-satisfied and too rich, let’s
destroy America”. He wrote it as a warning. Here’s his plan:
1. We must first make America a bilingual, bi-cultural country. History shows that no nation can survive the tension, conflict and antagonism of two competing languages and cultures.
2. Invent "multiculturalism" and encourage immigrants to maintain their own culture.
3. Celebrate diversity rather than unity.
4. Keep the fastest-growing demographic poor, the least educated and blatantly antagonistic to the population.
5. Get government foundations and big business to give their front groups lots of money.
6. Establish the cult of victimology.
7. And finally, place these subjects off-limits to discussion. Make it taboo to talk about.
3. Celebrate diversity rather than unity.
4. Keep the fastest-growing demographic poor, the least educated and blatantly antagonistic to the population.
5. Get government foundations and big business to give their front groups lots of money.
6. Establish the cult of victimology.
7. And finally, place these subjects off-limits to discussion. Make it taboo to talk about.
According to Lamm, "Diversity is a wonderfully seductive word. It stresses
differences rather than commonalities. Diverse people worldwide are mostly
engaged in hating each other."
I’m not naming names here - OK, I am. But it is not just the leftist dogma that is the only contribution to the problem. Congress, including a vast majority of members who call themselves Republicans have decided to follow the path of mutually assured destruction of our great Nation and what it stood for just a couple of decades ago.
We are now on a suicide watch. I only hope our country takes
the time for much-needed reflection and listens to it’s conscience before it’s
too late.
Sunday, January 19, 2014
It's been yet another year of economic woes, foreign policy blunders and abysmal job reports. Yet, I doubt that too many Americans are surprised. After four straight years of failed policies from the Obama administration, what else could we expect? America's chance to make it right has come and past. How did that happen? Considering that Mitt Romney had throngs of standing-room-only rallies wherever he spoke and Obama could not fill a high school gym for his campaign speeches, logic was telling us that it's over for Obama. America voted - and he won anyway. As Wednesday, November 7, 2012 came, everyone (Republicans and Democrats) were in shock. Whether in celebration or in mourning, we were all equally surprised. Somehow, some way, Obama pulled it off.
More and more, the answer is becoming clear. Fraud. Leaving nothing to chance, The Obama campaign, including supporters across the country pulled an all out assault on the sanctity of the vote in America. Realizing they did not have to defraud the vote in every State in The Union, they simply centered on the key States he had to win to stay in office. In short, electoral criminality put Obama over the top.
Here's what we now know as fact. The son of Rep. Jim Moran, D-Va who was a Democratic Field Director was caught on tape training an undercover reporter on how they fraudulently cast ballots in the name of registered voters by forging utility bills and then using a list of Democrat lawyers to verify the votes. Court appointed Republican poll watchers were illegally expelled from 13 Philadelphia polling places in wards that then went 99 percent for Obama. That, by the way, is statistically impossible. Throughout Philly and The State of Pennsylvania, Democrats were recorded bragging that they were able to vote more than once. In fact, in many districts, Romney did not get one vote. The final tally was Obama 19,605 - Romney 0. Seems to me that at least one Democrat out of 19,000 would have accidentally voted for Romney.
In Ohio, it was determined that at least one out of five people who voted in the election were actually illegal voters. If you find that hard to believe, cut that number in half, Obama still wins Ohio. In two Democratic counties in Ohio, the number of votes were higher than the number of registered voters. It has also been determined that Democrats were able to "flip" that state in favor of Obama by illegally activating over 6 percent of the 1.6 million "inactive" voters to create a vote for Obama. An inactive voter is one who has moved out of the state or died.
And then there is Florida. It's difficult to write a piece on fraud, deception and deceit without including Eric Holder in the mix. So here's my contribution. Early in 2012, Florida realized that they had a huge number of ineligible, non-citizen voters on the rolls that could have been used illegally on election day. They were in the process of cleaning up that mess when Holder successfully sued Florida making it impossible for them to purge those illegal voters from the rolls.
Enough? Get the picture? We can't turn back the clock but we can look ahead. Republicans must toughen up! They need to get proactive ASAP and begin relentlessly exposing and suing districts, counties and States that commit voter fraud. At this point, Democrats are so unafraid of committing these atrocities that they were actually recorded bragging about it in the last election. This is third-world politics in America folks. Seems to me, the least we as citizens can ask for is a fair fight on election day.
It's been yet another year of economic woes, foreign policy blunders and abysmal job reports. Yet, I doubt that too many Americans are surprised. After four straight years of failed policies from the Obama administration, what else could we expect? America's chance to make it right has come and past. How did that happen? Considering that Mitt Romney had throngs of standing-room-only rallies wherever he spoke and Obama could not fill a high school gym for his campaign speeches, logic was telling us that it's over for Obama. America voted - and he won anyway. As Wednesday, November 7, 2012 came, everyone (Republicans and Democrats) were in shock. Whether in celebration or in mourning, we were all equally surprised. Somehow, some way, Obama pulled it off.
More and more, the answer is becoming clear. Fraud. Leaving nothing to chance, The Obama campaign, including supporters across the country pulled an all out assault on the sanctity of the vote in America. Realizing they did not have to defraud the vote in every State in The Union, they simply centered on the key States he had to win to stay in office. In short, electoral criminality put Obama over the top.
Here's what we now know as fact. The son of Rep. Jim Moran, D-Va who was a Democratic Field Director was caught on tape training an undercover reporter on how they fraudulently cast ballots in the name of registered voters by forging utility bills and then using a list of Democrat lawyers to verify the votes. Court appointed Republican poll watchers were illegally expelled from 13 Philadelphia polling places in wards that then went 99 percent for Obama. That, by the way, is statistically impossible. Throughout Philly and The State of Pennsylvania, Democrats were recorded bragging that they were able to vote more than once. In fact, in many districts, Romney did not get one vote. The final tally was Obama 19,605 - Romney 0. Seems to me that at least one Democrat out of 19,000 would have accidentally voted for Romney.
In Ohio, it was determined that at least one out of five people who voted in the election were actually illegal voters. If you find that hard to believe, cut that number in half, Obama still wins Ohio. In two Democratic counties in Ohio, the number of votes were higher than the number of registered voters. It has also been determined that Democrats were able to "flip" that state in favor of Obama by illegally activating over 6 percent of the 1.6 million "inactive" voters to create a vote for Obama. An inactive voter is one who has moved out of the state or died.
And then there is Florida. It's difficult to write a piece on fraud, deception and deceit without including Eric Holder in the mix. So here's my contribution. Early in 2012, Florida realized that they had a huge number of ineligible, non-citizen voters on the rolls that could have been used illegally on election day. They were in the process of cleaning up that mess when Holder successfully sued Florida making it impossible for them to purge those illegal voters from the rolls.
Enough? Get the picture? We can't turn back the clock but we can look ahead. Republicans must toughen up! They need to get proactive ASAP and begin relentlessly exposing and suing districts, counties and States that commit voter fraud. At this point, Democrats are so unafraid of committing these atrocities that they were actually recorded bragging about it in the last election. This is third-world politics in America folks. Seems to me, the least we as citizens can ask for is a fair fight on election day.
Sunday, January 12, 2014
I am not a snob. Nor do I play one on TV. I will admit though, that I have known many in my life and even called them friends at times. I graduated from college with snobs, played golf with snobs and certainly had several experiences with business associates who, for whatever purpose, had their head so far up their ass . . . . . . no, I won't go there.
So here is my pet peeve when it comes to my friends, the snobs. They seem to have a problem with the use of proper English. If anyone should keep up appearances by using "The King's English" with befitting aplomb, seems to me it would be snobs. I'll keep this brief with only two examples. However, both of these examples may surprise you. Especially if you are not a snob and simply want to continue reading to find out how you might catch your next snob in an English usage faux pas.
Beginning with my college buddies. It is ironic to me to listen to a person with a PhD announce that they graduated college in 1972. A person simply cannot "graduate college". Graduate is NOT a verb. One can graduate from college. But if the snob says "I graduated college", that person is implying that they did something to the college. I did many things to my college during my tenure there. However, I did not graduate college.
Most of the snobs I've known through life were golfers. I played golf for nearly 5 decades and never really mastered the game. But one thing I did not do is "Golf". Once again, golf is not a verb. It is a noun. You can play golf, hate golf, watch golf and suck at golf, but you cannot "golf". No one baseballs or have you ever seen a person tennis? I don't think so.
English was always my best subject in school and I loved writing things down to express thoughts or just piss people off. But, even when I write notes to myself, I try to punctuate and spell things correctly. That's why I tend to snicker inside when I hear one of my friends, the snob, sound more like the kid from the wrong side of the tracks when expressing their latest snobby ventures. And yet, I have no problem justifying that snicker. Because as you now know, I am not a snob.
I am not a snob. Nor do I play one on TV. I will admit though, that I have known many in my life and even called them friends at times. I graduated from college with snobs, played golf with snobs and certainly had several experiences with business associates who, for whatever purpose, had their head so far up their ass . . . . . . no, I won't go there.
So here is my pet peeve when it comes to my friends, the snobs. They seem to have a problem with the use of proper English. If anyone should keep up appearances by using "The King's English" with befitting aplomb, seems to me it would be snobs. I'll keep this brief with only two examples. However, both of these examples may surprise you. Especially if you are not a snob and simply want to continue reading to find out how you might catch your next snob in an English usage faux pas.
Beginning with my college buddies. It is ironic to me to listen to a person with a PhD announce that they graduated college in 1972. A person simply cannot "graduate college". Graduate is NOT a verb. One can graduate from college. But if the snob says "I graduated college", that person is implying that they did something to the college. I did many things to my college during my tenure there. However, I did not graduate college.
Most of the snobs I've known through life were golfers. I played golf for nearly 5 decades and never really mastered the game. But one thing I did not do is "Golf". Once again, golf is not a verb. It is a noun. You can play golf, hate golf, watch golf and suck at golf, but you cannot "golf". No one baseballs or have you ever seen a person tennis? I don't think so.
English was always my best subject in school and I loved writing things down to express thoughts or just piss people off. But, even when I write notes to myself, I try to punctuate and spell things correctly. That's why I tend to snicker inside when I hear one of my friends, the snob, sound more like the kid from the wrong side of the tracks when expressing their latest snobby ventures. And yet, I have no problem justifying that snicker. Because as you now know, I am not a snob.
Sunday, January 5, 2014
Melissa Harris-Perry, is a news commentator who has been given her own show at the bastion of deep thought called MSNBC. Ms. Perry is a continuing line of snarky, liberal hosts there that feel there are no rules when it comes to ripping Conservatives a new one on the air. Her latest is the strangely uncouth manner in which she and her guests laughed at a picture of the Romney family where Mitt Romney was holding his infant, adopted grandchild who happened to be black. She has since apologized on the air. Apologies have been a regular part of their broadcast segments for several years now. Apparently “no matter how vile we are, an apology always saves our dignity”.
Melissa Harris-Perry, is a news commentator who has been given her own show at the bastion of deep thought called MSNBC. Ms. Perry is a continuing line of snarky, liberal hosts there that feel there are no rules when it comes to ripping Conservatives a new one on the air. Her latest is the strangely uncouth manner in which she and her guests laughed at a picture of the Romney family where Mitt Romney was holding his infant, adopted grandchild who happened to be black. She has since apologized on the air. Apologies have been a regular part of their broadcast segments for several years now. Apparently “no matter how vile we are, an apology always saves our dignity”.
So, let’s examine Melissa Harris-Perry’s dignity a little
further. As a professor of Political Science at Tulane University, we can
understand and sympathize a bit that the profession alone qualifies her to be a
Liberal hack. But it might be better to take a look at a couple of other
instances where she has shown that she will likely have a warm, comfortable
home on MSNBC.
Last July, Ms. Harris-Perry donned a pair of tampon earrings on her show to show support for abortion rights in this country. She shared the fact that her producer had made them for her the week before. I can just imagine the fun and hilarity that must take place at that network every day as a replacement for human rights and dignity.
Ready for another one? Brace yourself. Ms. Harris or Perry or .
. .I’ll just call her Melissa, says that life begins when the parents say it
does and that can be weeks or months or even years after they are born. That
being the case, it’s up to the parents whether or not to let their child live
even after they are born. I have a question for Melissa. At what point do we
stop calling it abortion and call it murder? Or do we need a new liberal catch
phrase to identify that period of time between birth and when the parents decide
to let their children live? I’m just asking.
We all know that MSNBC is not a “news” organization. But, I truly
feel that they also do not represent the Liberal base in America today. They
have the lowest viewership on a regular basis of all cable news outlets. My
problem with them is not that they are radical Liberals. It’s just that they
are so over the top that they tend to damage any good that could come from
Liberals that continue to strive hard to bring honesty and dignity to the
Democratic Party.
Just a note: I am constantly asked why I capitalize the word
Liberals sometimes and sometimes not. When referring to Liberals (the people) I
capitalize and when I am referring to the word liberal as a dogma, I do not. And since
I always capitalize the word Conservative, it’s the least I can do for our
misguided brethren.
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