Uniquely Us
Most of my friends know that I tend to look up every evening
after dark as I walk outside or step out of a car. I just feel that, since we are the only
living creatures on earth that can perceive of and appreciate the wonder and
beauty of our surroundings, we should take full advantage of it every chance we
Astronomers, cosmologists, even pseudo philosophers go out
of their way to remind us that we used to think we were unique in the universe.
But now that we can look all the way back to just a few billion years before
the beginning, (I don’t like to call it “The Big Bang” ‘cause there probably
was no bang) we see billions upon billions of galaxies and trillions upon
trillions of stars and we realize that we are nothing special. They are certain
that there are other intelligent beings scattered throughout the cosmos. I do
too. In fact, I have no doubt that we
are being visited by entities other than ourselves all the time. But I tend to
bristle just a bit when these learned intellectuals continually try to remind
us that WE are not special in the universe.
I can’t imagine how much more special we could be! In fact, since we are talking big numbers,
billions of things had to occur in order for us to exist at all. Then, for US to have developed into a
walking, talking, intelligent entity in our own right, certainly gives us the undeniable
justification to announce that “We Are Unique!” and “We Are Special!” Our human
brain is the most complex, sophisticated biological organ in at least 25,689,593,615,256
miles. (I rounded to the nearest mile). That’s pretty special is it not?
Our universe is special too. Did you know that if the rate
of expansion of the universe had been 1 millionth of a degree slower, it would
have imploded upon itself and . . . OK - you know the rest.
To take this specialness to the next level, we are not just special because we live “on” the earth, but because we participate “with” the earth. We, and every living plant and animal are an integral part of the earth’s formation and its beauty and the special, wonderful balance that makes it all work.
I’ve never seen a UFO. But when I do, I’ll feel pretty smug knowing they are looking at us with awe and reverence because we are a very special part of our wonderful universe.
But, as usual . . . I’m just sayin’
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