Ever since apes were artificially inseminated by ancient aliens and modern humans got brains, there has been a proliferation of new weapons to claim territory or just kick ass for no good reason. So our ancestors all had to take sides. Usually there was a good side where those humans wanted to live in peaceful coexistence and a rather bad side where those humans just wanted to kill other humans for whatever reason. From that point forward, weapons were introduced to keep the peace or break the peace.
So enough of the history lesson. You get the point. Rocks, sharp rocks, knives, bow and arrows, flint-locks, revolvers, semi-automatics and automatics; someone was always coming up with something that turned the balance of power on to their side until someone else topped that and the balance would go the other way. As long as there are good guys and bad guys, it will always be that way. It is a balance that has kept bad guys in check for, well, forever. If you take it further to nuclear weapons, at least to this point, we are not speaking Japanese or German because the good guys got the bomb first. This is a logic that I would dare say a 5th grader can easily understand. Balance of power.
OK - Now, here is the problem. We now have a very large group of humans in our country and throughout the world who simply don’t think that maintaining that balance really makes a difference in the scheme of things. They simply do not like guns and they especially do not like humans to have guns. So they want to deprive all humans except their governments from having guns. Now, of course, 5th grade logic will tell you that it is only possible to take away guns from one side of the good guy/bad guy equation. Problem is, it’s the good guy side. “No matter”, they say. Take their guns anyway. Well . . . where’s the balance in that? Without the balance, the power shifts entirely onto the bad side and those humans who were keeping the peaceful coexistence as peaceful as possible, are rendered impotent. I’m sure you get my drift. This is what we call Liberal Logic.
Consider though, the fact that a balance has always been obtained after, of course, many humans died and one side or the other accomplished the shift back in their favor. I have no doubt that we will see that here in America again. Gun-grabbing will not be a healthy thing for Liberals to do over the next few years. We already see gun sales at an all-time high. Many shooting ranges boast more woman signing up for lessons than men. In other words, the ill-fated logic of taking away guns from law-abiding citizens has created a nation growing in unprecedented gun ownership.
And there you have it. The natural balance of power shifting once again. No doubt there will soon come a time when you will not hear much from the gun-grabbers because they will have become the impotent ones.
God Bless America!
"good post, I agree"
Oddly enough, Chuck, is that Barack Obama must certainly go down in history as the very best gun salesman in the history of the country. During GOP administrations, gun enthusiasts have been complacent. During the administrations of those who advocate disarming the law-abiding, guns have sold faster than almost any other discretionary durable good in this country. Gun and accessory manufacturers have flourished. Ammo manufacturers couldn't begin to stay up with demand.
Despite these facts, the gun-grabbers still reach for the brass ring, hoping to achieve what is becoming more and more impossible. That's fine: they only risk falling off the horse, IMO.
--your Hoosier cousin
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