Thursday, February 20, 2014

Is There Anything Good About Facebook?

Over the past few years, we have been bombarded by a technology that seems to be speeding up at a break-neck pace. Cell phones and smart phones, Andriods and IPhones, Apps and Social Media; our heads seem about to explode. Those of us who are getting up there in years are beginning to worry about the looming techno age and its effect on the younger set. We enjoy looking back to the simpler times with memory joggers on Twitter and Facebook that make us take just a moment to slow down and sigh.

I want to share something that has happened over the past several years that most people are unaware of. On the face of it, I am going to say something good about Facebook. In my hometown an enterprising young lady and maybe a friend or two came up with a Facebook page that gives anyone who grew up in our town an opportunity to journey down memory lane with friends, acquaintances and simply others who grew up in and around the city. If you are not from that part of the world, there is no need to look it up. That’s not my point. But consider this. The population of our town is about 50,000 and to date, we have 10,000 members on the Facebook site. There must be thousands of photos too ranging from scenes of 1950's downtown shots to 3rd grade class pictures. Lot’s of posts begin with “Who remembers . . .” or “Does anyone know what happened to . . .?” We reminisce, we remember, we laugh and we even argue sometimes. The site is so popular that it’s hard for a dog to run away too long before someone sees it on our site and alerts the owners. But all in all, it is simply a wonderful way to spend a rainy (or snowy) Saturday afternoon.

My point is this. I would encourage other Americans who miss their hometown or maybe still live there and would like to do something positive for their city and friends to start a site of their own. The craziness of today’s speedy technology just might have a few benefits that no one ever imagined just a few years back.

So, instead of clogging up Facebook and Twitter with politics, personal drama and whatever food you had last night, why not do something positive for your town, your friends and yourself? Start an “Our Town” site.

BTW – I know, I can already hear the laughter about clogging up Facebook with politics. I’m probably one of the biggest offenders. Is there a 12 step program for Facebook hooligans?