Saturday, November 17, 2012

A CALL TO ACTION - Not My Usual Blog

It is well known that one of the primary reasons the British lost the Revolutionary War is because they simply stood there like gentlemen and let the uncouth barbarians (our forefathers) shoot at them from behind trees. “That’s not how you fight a war!” was the cry from the Redcoats. You are supposed to line up, take aim, and fire. Those are the rules. They lost the war. Such is the battle for the Presidency 236 years later. Republicans have not considered that fighting for office through playing by the rules will only result in defeat.

Through this past summer, I became less and less confident that Romney could win the election. It was not because he couldn’t bring enough to the table. He is an amazingly accomplished man. What he had to offer to turn our fruitless country around and ease our distress appeared to be the perfect formula. So what went wrong? If I could offer one simple phrase to sum up the Obama campaign’s success that Mitt Romney and his advisors simply were not willing to do, that phrase is - Commit Fraud.  Not just voter fraud but campaign fraud too. Take a look at Webster’s definition of the word Fraud:

Deceit, trickery, sharp practice or breach of confidence, perpetrated for profit or to gain some unfair or dishonest advantage.

Go ahead and look the word up. There are several other definitions. It’s easy to recognize the actions of the Obama Administration and the subsequent campaign in any definition of the word.

My first clue that this was not going to go well was when George Stephanopoulos asked a totally off-the-wall question of Romney at one of the Republican debates. He asked if Romney believes that the courts should overturn a constitutional right to privacy which bars States from banning contraception.  What? No one, not Romney or anyone else for that matter ever suggested such a thing. It’s the old “When did you stop beating your wife?” question. It finally came to light that the question was requested by members of Obama’s reelection team to discredit Romney with women. The acts of fraud escalated exponentially from there. Obama’s thugs would jump out from behind trees, toss lies or false accusations to the media and then hide back in the woods to reload. It didn’t seem to matter how bizarre the attacks were. They always hit their mark with someone. Sandra Fluke convinced woman that they could not afford birth control without government subsidies. They were convincing voters that Romney would kill old people just like he did to a man’s wife that used to work for him. It seemed Obama could say anything and it would stick like glue to at least some voters.

Yet, in the end, Mitt Romney was actually ahead in the polls. One thing all the news outlets could agree on is that it was going to be close. Really? Apparently none of the respected prognosticators added in the one element that had been staring them in the face for about a year prior to the election. Fraud. I hate to say I told you so (not really) but I was warning about election fraud for the last two months prior to November. I knew it would be rampant and I was pretty sure it could swing the election.

Just to address those who love to try the “turn around” argument by saying “The Republican’s do it too”, I say to you. Yes, there no doubt were some cheaters on the Right who tried to add fraudulent votes for Mitt Romney. Just as some Redcoats probably tried to hide behind a tree or two before they were trounced. But this was a highly orchestrated and artful work of fraud. If you need proof, simply Google “Vote Fraud 2012” and read the plethora of articles in every state where thousands of votes were diverted to Obama or where entire precincts had not one vote for Romney or where all White counties had scores of Black voters and on and on. When an election is as close as this one was predicted to be by every pollster in America, how else can you explain Obama’s commanding win when the day was over?

So what’s the answer? Should Republicans learn the tactics of the Left? Is lying and cheating going to dictate elections from now on? Perhaps. But, I’d like to think there may be another way; something that borders on rational behavior. I suggest the Republicans and all freedom-loving individuals in America begin now to take advantage of the coming disasters looming through the next four years and embrace our easily swayed fellow Americans. Continually explain what might have been. Recognize where the Latino and Black communities need help with more outreach programs. Develop private institutions where women who are struggling get a better chance at a fulfilled life. In other words, Conservatives need to build trust within those groups that need help but don’t know where to turn.

Instead of privately giving to charities, openly give time and money to set up organizations that show that Conservatism is a positive, uniting force in America. Instead of Tea Party rally videos of angry Americans shouting their displeasure with the government, how about Tea Party videos of members going into the ghettos and tutoring young people on what it means to be an American. You get the picture.

I truly believe that the Conservative Movement in America can thrive once again in four years if we put those ideals into action now, before it is too late. By instilling trust in our fellow Americans through our actions, acts of fraud would not be able to take such a foothold as it has these past few years.

I love my country as I’m sure you do. I can’t just sit here and write blogs that do not go anywhere anymore. I feel I have to take some action. My first action is to ask for your help. I welcome your thoughts on how we might accomplish this goal. I plan to write to my congressman soon and the Tea Party leaders who might listen. Please help give me suggestions as to the best direction to take. Any progress in our efforts will be updated here.

God Bless America

Chuck Drake

Private emails are welcomed.


CandyCane Girl said...

My mother is secretary to a well known Senator. I have forwarded your comments to her. I think you have something here.

Anonymous said...

I am sending you a private email. I would like to help.

Freedom lover in the raw. said...

Very good article Chuck. I put it out on my twitter group.

Anonymous said...

Blah Blah Blah. Go ahead and try everything you can to win. You still lose. We r going to reelect our King O in four more years too.

Dale Locke said...

So which is it? Fraud or buying votes with gifts? Maybe it's mind control.

George Atkinson said...

Your comments were read out loud this evening to a group of friends. One suggestion is to start with a name for your cause. Start a Facebook page and get on Twitter. You probably already are doing that but please let us know so that we can join the cause.

Anonymous said...

This idea would be a little like the community organizers but with dignity. Put together a prospectus and I may be able to raise some funding. You will get an email from me.

Anonymous said...

Very well written, Chuck. I love your approach in reaching out and much thought was given as to what shall be done when the election result became heralded as it was. By myself-nothing will get done!

I predicted to my patriotic acquaintances shortly after 2008 that the "biggest fraud ever perpetrated on the American people" would sit in what use to be the People's White House again. It also doesn't shock me that as one of your commentors said (Anonymous Nov 17), there will be an all-out effort to keep their "king" permanently planted in the oval office. You see, we are no longer dealig with ordinary candidates for office anymore. These thugs will commit fraud and murder to keep what they have stolen. The poor folks supporting them don't believe for one minute that their "freebee cards" have expiration dates.

Many evangelicals voted for the same 4 more years. Self deception is the worse kind of deception there is.

The Republic will not be able to withstand the duration of more of the same, which by the way, is their ultimate goal anyway.

For now, what we can do is: 1) Recognizing America is in trouble and continue standing for Truth and all that is honorable are absolutes. 2) Do not succumb to their corrupt tactics believing we can win by the same. 3) Gathering together to ask The Lord of Heaven and Earth how to move forward would be wise. He likes to work with small numbers so one should not laugh at humble beginnings. Following Him means trusting and also knowing at times, He will not give us the next step until we have gotten to the immediate threshold. A number of faithful and trusting, God-fearing men and women can do wonders and history has proven so.

I am not far from Woodstock so I'd welcome a meetup. I am older now and not as active politically, but I volunteered and worked an entire year for Ronald Reagan's first campaign when I lived in New Hampshire; attended his first inauguration and met many Senators and Congressmen, some of which I happily volunteered for also. I feel the righteous anger as many do and since we are now faced with a different America altogether, we need to direct the anger towards the good for America, for our grandchildren. It will take some uncoventional strageties to say the least.

Thanks so much, Chuck and friends. I will email you with my number.

God be with you.
Della K.

Still Looking Up said...

Thanks for your kind words, Della. I plan to put together a meetup group after the Holidays. Please keep in touch.