Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The Enemy Within

Is there anything that most Americans agree on? Well, yes . . I think there is. It is the very obvious problem that our government is failing us. The how, why and who is where we have a difference of opinion. Liberals still contend that it is all Bush’s fault and that it may take 30 years of Obama’s reign to get us on the right track. Conservatives rarely doubt that Obama has it in for the US and wants to tax and regulate American Commerce out of existence.  Of course, it’s not all that simple. But it shouldn’t be too hard to noodle this out a little. As you might have guessed, I am about to give my own assessment of what I see as the three greatest threats within our own country today. Correct as they are, I invite you to add more or debate my issues if you wish.

  1. Government Education and the Teacher’s Union – Radio host and columnist Neal Boortz, not known for pulling punches, states that the single biggest threat to our country at this time is the National Education Association. With high school graduates not knowing the capital of their own state, suffice to say . . . that’s a problem. With unions fighting to protect inept teachers, maybe Boortz has a point. But doesn’t it go a bit further? What’s the big deal about school vouchers? It works. Low income students having the opportunity to attend private schools is a good thing, isn’t it? It would have the other positive effect of lowering overcrowding in government schools. The voucher program in New York has been a resounding success. President Obama signed an executive order promising to "improve outcomes and advance educational opportunities for African Americans." But he opposes school vouchers. Seems kind of contradictory to me.
  2. Lifers in Congress – The brilliant framers of our Constitution goofed. They failed to include a provision for term limits for congressmen. This really wasn’t such a problem for the first 100 years or so because truly honorable men and women commonly made up the Congress and usually bowed out after a reasonable time in office to go back to their professions and family. Interestingly, it is usually the most inept of congress people today who continue to run and get reelected, voting themselves pay raises, free healthcare, and demanding hero status from the minions. Presidents can’t destroy America on their own, they need a willing Congress to finish the job. It is the ultimate “Catch 22”. Guess who has to introduce the bill to change the Constitution? Can we expect our failing Congress to vote themselves out of a job? With the approval level for Congress at historic lows, a grassroots movement to enact term limits through a national referendum is gaining a stronghold in several states. Woohoo!
  3. The Vote-Buying Welfare Scheme – This is such an insidious act that I have to take a few breaths to calm down as I write about it. It’s nothing new. Obama didn’t start it. He’s just bringing it to a new art form. Welfare in and of itself can be a noble quest for any government to employ. There is a definite breaking point however where it becomes like a powerful drug. After a few injections of cash, the junkie will do anything to get more. Politicians say to themselves, “Vote for me Mr. Junkie-Man and I’ll make sure you stay right there where I want you.” And they do. They stay impoverished, uneducated and needing another fix. I had a conversation with a young man recently who had voted for Barack Obama in 2009. He said he voted for him because he felt he was going to be the great hope for Blacks in helping them to become better educated and acquire more chances at good jobs. According to my new, young friend, he feels Obama has done just the opposite; and on purpose.

So those are my three. There’s more but I’ve probably lost several readers by now anyway and I am always told my blogs are too long.

Please add your thoughts to my comments.



Karen W. said...

Great point that Obama is getting the blacks and other poor minorities "hooked" on welfare. Liberals have done far less for the advancement of minorities than Conservitives through the years.

Anonymous said...

I think Obama dividing the country is a big threat from within.

OSuzanna said...

When you think about it, Congress is at it's lowest favorability ever and we voted them (practically all of them) back in office. What's up with that?

Anonymous said...

Knee-jerk voters.

The GuildedLilly said...

I think Obama is Enemy #1. These are just symptoms. Although, I agree with your assessments.

Anonymous said...

You did a good job on this one. Makes me realize that we are destroying ourselves faster than Muslims could have wished for.