What to do . . . what to do. I was (still am) a Ted Cruz guy. He has just what I was looking for in a president. Although he's a Senator, he is clearly an outsider who walks his own path. He's brilliant, he loves his country and I had no doubt that he would have made America great again. Oh . . . yeah that's not Cruz's motto, that's Trump's.
So here we are. Trump is the presumptive candidate for the Republican Party's nomination for Leader of the Free World. Donald Trump - A man with an ego so large that he had his own reality show where he got to "fire" big-time celebrities each week in front of the entire country. I never really liked that show. Donald Trump - Who for all practical purposes I always thought was a Democrat. Donald Trump - The man who has lost more cash in investment schemes than 99% of Americans have ever owned. Donald Trump . . . really?
The answer to that is "yes" - really. Barring any overt shenanigans by the elite class of the Republican Party at the convention, he's our man. At least he is the man that conservative idol worshipers want. He's the man that, what I've always called "fringe white voters", are all about. (These people were also Ross Perot and Ron Paul worshipers). And he's the man who used over-the-top defamatory and slanderous rhetoric throughout the primary debates to get to where he is today.
But, there is another voting group in the mix of Trump supporters. These are people that I respect and admire. People like one of my best friends that, on nearly all political discussions we've ever had, we agreed down the line. People like conservative talking-heads that helped me through the years to form my own political dogma. And politicians that I actually admire for their principled stances on serious matters. So . . .what's up with that? What am I missing?
I've been pushing myself to understand this paradox in order to see if I can relate enough to the possibility of Donald Trump being the Leader of the Free World. Here is where I am so far.
- The fact that Hillary Clinton will be the Democratic nominee is a Yuuge factor.
- Trump appears to be malleable. Meaning, if his advisers say he's wrong, he will adapt.
- He has always been one who does what he says he'll do. Not just promises, but facts.
- He's not long on holding grudges. He gets pissed off and then makes up. (except for Rosie).
- He is willing to appoint the brightest and the best rather than his cronies.
- I really believe he will immediately address the abhorrent veteran's debacle.
- Although he's not a Fair Tax guy. Any overhaul of the IRS is a positive step.
- His immigration reform promises are spot on.
- No country has ever had to face a man like Trump at the negotiating table.
- He is the most outside outsider ever running for POTUS.
So yes, I'll vote for him. My "Never Trump" friends on my Twitter page should maybe back off a bit and evaluate the alternatives if their movement succeeds and we have them to thank when Hillary Clinton takes the Oath of Office next January.
All good points. I just can't stand him though. I plan to stay home.
I don't think Trump can beat Hillary. If not, we are totally screwed.
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