Friday, September 14, 2012

Balls - Or The Lack Thereof

A couple of days ago, Rush Limbaugh said that if the Republicans lose this election, it will be the end of The Party as we know it. I can’t say that I disagree. Laura Ingram says that this is a “gimme” election. It should be. We have seen nearly four years of the most inept, amateur, and often corrupt president this country has ever experienced. So how is it that Romney is not 10 points ahead or more now? I’m not saying that it would be easy to overcome the liberal bias in America. But, hey! The Democrats booed God - for God’s sake, right in the middle of their own Democratic Convention! And Obama had a 5 point bounce in the polls!

So is it a slam-dunk to win in November? It probably could be if Conservatives were able to play basketball. Slam dunks are easy if you have the ability (and the balls) to charge through the blockers, throw your body in the air and jump high enough to slam it through the rim. Does that sound like a Republican? Not really. While Democrats are throwing hard balls, Mitt Romney is playing T-Ball. Democrats play rugby, Republicans play flag football and on and on.

I have little doubt that Romney would make a very effective president. If he were to win on November 6th, businesses across America the very next day would likely gather their decision makers in their boardrooms and discuss freeing up their inventories and ramping up production. Faith in our economic future needs little more than the election going to Romney to immediately stem the tide. Yet, at this late date, we face the very real (probability) that Romney will lose!

Plenty of clichés come to mind when speaking about Republicans. Things like, “No Guts, No Glory” or “The Silent Majority” are good examples. Why are we so silent? What are we afraid of? We should be known as “The Loud and The Pissed Off”. The Tea Party was a rather valiant attempt to change Conservative’s image a bit. Democrats called them every name in the book. They used their Rugby-like tactics like giggling through disgusting sexual phrases to describe Tea Party participants, calling them bigots and race haters. The list goes on. Then the media switches to a video of a Tea Party rally. Who’s out there protesting for our Constitutional rights to be upheld? Oh look! It’s Grandma, Grandpa, Blacks, Hispanics, teenagers and the family next door. The vile rhetoric regurgitated each night on news outlets across the nation and by noxious commentators and comedians when referring to Tea Party members has been relentless. Don’t hear so much from The Tea Party anymore do we? Oh they are still there but they are now moving quietly so as to not be called bad names anymore.

I am not saying we need to stoop as far down to depravity as the New Liberal Party. No reason to deny God or the rights of Jews in Israel, but we need to FIRE UP! Scream back Mitt Romney! Instead of being a candy-ass, go out and kick some liberal ass!

But – I’m Just Saying


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your thoughts Chuck. You mentioned ceasing your blog, please continue.

Still Looking Up said...

I know that's what I said about not blogging anymore. But, at my age, I tend to change my mind as often as I change my diapers.

Anonymous said...

Outstanding article! You are so right. I have never (in my many years) seen such nasty horrible people as these liberals. My husband says he is closing his business the day after the election if Obama is back in. That will put another 35 people out of work.

Cindy Archambault Riggs said...

I'm sorry , but I see enough political opinions on my regular facebook page. I really don't want to see them here. Your entitled to your opinion so vote for whomever you want, Just vote, but please take it somewhere else.

Still Looking Up said...

Cindy, I did not put this on Facebook. Only a link. You have the right not to click on my blog if you wish. It's pretty much still a free country.

Steve Bruggner said...

Much more eloquent than go boy!!!

John Berkey said...

John Berkey Great Message!

Jim Blubaugh said...

Thanks Chuck, very eloquent. I plan to share this ASAP to all my friends.

Anonymous said...

I asked an older gentleman who had stated he was a staunch Democrat. Do you believe in abortion? Answer was NO. Do you believe in more gun control? Answer was NO. Do you believe in spending money that you don't have or cannot pay back? Answer was NO.Do you believe a person should be taken care of from cradle to grave? Again a loud NO! I said then you are a Republican. I thought he was going to have a heart attack. I'm nervous, scared and P.O.d. I hope there is something left to leave to my children.

Anonymous said...

thank you chuck we need more americans like you,& as far as the tea party,were still out here & soon you will hear us loud & clear

Dave Franklin said...

Interesting. Still not enough to get me excited about Mittens...the lamest republican presidential candidate since Gerald R. Ford. (And that's sayin' somethin', cause Bob Dole induced sleep when he spoke.)

Gary Cumiskey said...

Well done. the direction must change.

Kathie Griman said...

Mitt Romney would not be my first choice as leader of this country but somehow or another we have to make a change. It is vital to the well being of this country. Can we afford another 4 years of this nightmare? Wake up America. Do the right thing in November!

James S. Orange said...

I too am not impressed with Romney! i just know we need a change & bo isn't the one.i haven't seen one good thing that he has done for seems that he more interested in vacations & golf than what he needs to do

Richard May said...

Richard May yep--agree

Vicki Byers-Jerideau said...


Gene Benn said...

Good post Chuck, Wednesday night will tell the story, lets hope Mitty has some stones....

Becky Wall Waltz said...

You know, I was voting for ABO (anybody but obama) and then I decided to do some research on Mitt. He's really a great person, smart, and he loves our country!! We need to vote obama out in November for the good of all!!!

Ray Cutshaw said...

Obama is soooo horrendously bad, I am excited- yes, excited about the prospect of Romney as President! Sorry, I couldn't resist. Won't do it again on this page. : -)

David A. Mitschelen said...

Blah Blah Blah, wish we had someone better, wish they would play nice, wish they would forget the past, even though it's not so far away.