Saturday, August 4, 2012

Divide Et Empera

Some say it was Philip II, king of Macedon, others attribute the phrase to
Julius Caesar. But “Divide et empera” is Latin for Divide and Rule, later reworded to “Divide and Conquer”. It is a statement that is ringing more true today than ever in the past 100 + years in America. It's so obvious, that it is glaring at us and we have yet to even put on sunglasses to take a better look.

Valerie Jarrett, self proclaimed socialist and Senior White House Advisor to Barack Obama, told Matt Lauer on the Today Show soon after the election that put this man in as President, that he, Barack Obama, would begin to rule the country in January. Rule? Is the President of the United States now a ruler? In the eyes of this administration he is. And what is the best way to rule the dumb masses? Divide! And do they ever divide! Our new ruler has succeeded in dividing this country socially, economically and by the sexes.

The so-called Fair Pay Act has nothing to do with fairness and everything to do with election-year politics. No one expected that bill to become law. The whole point of this political exercise is to get Republicans on record voting against "fairness" for women, as part of the Democrats' campaign strategy to claim that there is a "war on women."

Obama’s war on success is astounding and insulting at the same time. But divide he must. We now have mainstream media parrots as well as plenty of angry Americans spewing hate-filled rhetoric towards the “richest 1 percent” or even successful Americans in general. “If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that”. Obama knows he can throw up these offensive assaults, no matter how outrageous they are, anytime he wants. His faithless followers will take the bait and continue to echo his rancor to open another chasm in our newly fragile country.

Now he has his minions doing the work for him. Last week after Mr. Cathy’s comments about his own beliefs on redefining marriage, we have three mayors of major cities vowing to suppress freedom of trade in their respective domains (which, by the way, cannot be more against the law) by refusing to allow business licenses to Chick-Fil-A. Amazing? Yes. Effective? Absolutely. Do you think Rahm Emanuel did not know that carrying out his threat would be illegal? Of course he did. He knew (and he was taught by the masters) that it would start a firestorm in America and further divide us into social and anti-social groups. All the more easy to rule, you know.

I can recall several instances in my lifetime where our presidents have urged unity, working in America as one, and a general sense of helping our fellow neighbors. JFK once said:

“Geography has made us neighbors. History has made us friends. Economics has made us partners, and Necessity has made us allies. Those whom God has so joined together, let no man put asunder.”

You will never hear words like that for our Dear Ruler.

Ironically, from the mouth of a second-rate thief came the words that, I am guessing, has also never been uttered by anyone in the Obama administration. “Can’t we all get along?”


Jim Pawler said...

Is it not "Can't we all just get along?

Still Looking Up said...
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Still Looking Up said...

Hey Jim! Didn't know you followed this stuff. Actually, he never used the word "Just".

Kim said...

You are so right on! The easily swayed are the liberals of today.

Dale Locke said...

I read your drivel post and drivel it is. Keep on, keep on. With the hateful attitudes towards women and minorities, Republicans will surely become a minority party for generations to come. Democrats honor women and defend them with laws to increase fairness in the workplace. With women making 70 cents to males $1, we have a right to fight for equal pay for equal work. It's telling that you see this as a crraven excercise for power, instead of what it is - defending a constituency that amounts to 50% of the American people. Just another reason why I am proud to be a Democrat.

Kim said...

These objective and factual editorials must stop! It only confuses the liberals and they can't figure out how to change the subject.