Sunday, July 1, 2012

True Colors

Ok . . .I know from the rather vile gloating from totally uninformed Obamacrates, that they think they are about to get free healthcare. They are sure that they can suck money from the “1%” to pay all their bills. “Gimme, gimme, gimme” is the mantra of this decade. And it is all wrapped up in a neat little package called “feelings” that Conservatives simply don’t have. Conservative politicians are heartless; Liberals have only the poor, the down-trodden and (this one always amuses me) the less fortunate people in their hearts. A vote for Obama will guarantee that every poor person will get a scoop of ice cream.

However, sometimes true colors bleed through to the surface. You need only look for that stain in the right place and you will find it through the thick fabric of deceit. Here is an example:

Last week, the Supreme Court handed down a ruling that most Americans (and several Senators) didn’t even know was part of Obamacare. They, in essence, told the administration and all the Congresspersons that so gleefully voted for the bill, that they could not simply forget about the poor, downtrodden and less fortunate in any state that opted out of the massive Medicaid expansion plans. Wow! Medicaid expansion! I’ll vote for that, right? Guess those libs really do care for the poor.

Hold up there, Kimo Sabe. Let’s take a little further look. Let’s consider the “or” in the mandate. Or . . . Obamacare will eliminate all of the federal funding for Medicaid to the offending State. Boy, that’ll show ‘em! In most states that adds up to billions of dollars yanked from the people who need it most. You guessed it; the poor, downtrodden and less fortunate.  Sorta leaves that thinking with your heart stuff out in left field.

Before my liberal friend’s heads explode on this one, let me say this. I think that the Medicaid program is a wonderful thing. As an insurance agent, I have spent many hours in the homes of families and individuals who benefit dearly from the program. It is a federal tax well spent. Of course it is administered poorly and the abuses are exponential. But, I have seen it work first-hand for very, very poor people who, through no fault of their own, receive a benefit that helps make their days go a little more smoothly. Maybe that is why I was so upset when I realized that The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) was using the poor, downtrodden and less fortunate as a bargaining chip to curry votes.

But, I’m just saying.

1 comment:

Still Looking Up said...

Hi Chuck!

Just wanted to let you know that we (still stuck back here in Elkhart) are in total agreement with your views about our "esteemed" president. I've read several of your blogs--including the most recent about Obama-care. Very scary. And yes, it's all about scamming (?) votes. We're still not convinced he's truly an American.

Keep up the good work, Chuck.