I've been pretty active on my Twitter page lately. They have a new thing in Twitter that rates your strongest tweets. So I took the top 20 and posted them here. I have a lot of wonderful friends who are Liberals, Democrats and even some who now espouse to be Socialists for the "New World Order". A word of caution to those friends. Reading these just may make your head explode.
After two terms of his presidency, Obama never really got
it. Adding more people to the welfare
rolls is not a sign of a successful reign.
Hillary remained with Bill all these years, not because she
stands by her man, but because she stands by her power.
I've gone from Cruz to Trump - BECAUSE CRUZ IN NOT RUNNING!
- And Hillary is no alternative.
The NeverEver Trumpsters are saying that they would rather
we go down in flames than to vote for someone who they didn't pick in the
It is absolutely not racist to be against illegal
immigration. Illegal immigration is an activity . . . not a race.
Today I honor the memory of our fathers and grandfathers who
were killed protecting us from a socialistic communism that their grandchildren
are now embracing in the US.
NeverEver Trumpsters are cutting off their nose to spite
their Country.
Hillary in lock-step with the conservative, NeverTrunpsters today with the
exact same rhetoric in her campaign speech that they spew in their hatred for
Mexico's deputy secretary says if we seize illegal's money
that goes back to Mexico, illegals will be forced to do something illegal. Huh?
Ever notice that when Hillary is lying, her eyes get real
big? Try it. Go back and play some of her lies. They're all over the Internet.
If Hillary were to abolish the second amendment, only
Hillary and other criminals would have guns.
Why is it so important for Liberals to embrace bad people
and threaten good people?
Guys, I love Ted Cruz, his love of country, his intellect
and his family. But, he's not running anymore!!
Obama has created a land of chaos where we have either bad
laws or no law at all. That is his plan to destroy America. And it's working.
We should not vote for a government that tells us what to
do, we should vote for a government that does what we tell them to do.
The Bernie thing troubles me. Vast swaths of America is now
willing to give up their freedom, their dignity and their spine for free stuff.
Sanders says he's a Democratic Socialist. Democracy and
Socialism in the same breath? It's like calling yourself a meat-eating
If a gay baker refused to bake a cake for a Muslim, which
side would the Liberal take?
That's it. If you would like to check out my Twitter page feel free to at https://twitter.com/housebrokentoo. I now have over 8000 followers so you will meet some very interesting people in the mix.