Tuesday, September 15, 2015
I wanted to switch my Major in college from Business to Psychology in my sophomore year. That was overturned by my parents. I always felt like I had a certain sense about sociocentrisities. You are right. That's not a word. It should be. To me, it means psychological tendencies by a certain group of people. That is the underlying basis of this blog today.
I think we can all agree that certain groups of humans have an innate tendency to follow a person or persons according to their beliefs. And we also have seen that type of following get so strong that nearly nothing can shake those humans from their idolatry or blind admiration. Love, security, comfort, several natural emotions can easily lead to the creation of an idol. Idolatry can range from innocuous emotions toward an actor all the way to drinking Jim Jones' cool-aid. It's the cool-aid that I'm worried about.
I was not a regular follower of American Idol but I pretty much got the idea. Find one person that was so talented as a singer that they would become an "idol" to a vast population of Americans. It was such an excellent idea that it smashed all records for a successful TV show. What most of us don't realize or consider very much is that there is another "American Idol" contest put on every four years in our country; the presidential elections. It has been a true reality show for over 200 years. However. with the onset of TV and now the onslaught of our social media world, I fear that the whole idolatry issue as it pertains to a selection for a president is running amok.
Here's a shocker for those who know me. I actually worked on Jimmy Carter's campaign for president. Now, pick yourself up off the floor because there is more to the story. I worked in a recording studio and we did his campaign voice overs. However, I actually got roped into helping stuff envelopes one day. The experience introduced me to my first reality with idol worship. Those people who were active in his campaign spoke of Carter as if he were the second coming of Jesus Christ. It was only a week or so before I divorced myself from that job.
Some of you may remember that at Carter's nomination speech he got up to the podium and said "My name is Jimmy Carter and I'm running for President of the United States". That was brilliant. He immediately created an idol worship that more than doubled after that and he won the election.
Ronald Reagan had his idols going all the way back to his movies from the 40's and 50's. Bill Clinton lied about sex in the White House, lied under oath and was disbarred in Arkansas. But his idols stuck with him . Barack Obama had nearly no credentials to run for president. But, he's black, he has a nearly perfect speech delivery and um . . .did I mention, he's black?
So, now that brings us to today. Hillary certainly has her idols. It has often been said that if she were convicted of murder, she would still get a strong showing in the polls. But my point of all this is the amazing Donald Trump enigma. Everyone asks, "How can he be so far ahead in the polls?" Idolatry. It's clearly a national trend towards someone who is not the dirty word - a politician! It is certainly understandable but I fear it is neither rational nor logical; according to Mr. Spock.
We all need to get a grip, step back a few paces and consider that maybe, just maybe, this is idol worship and not necessarily what's best for the country. Idol worship got us Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. Let's listen to the other candidates too in the upcoming debates and turn down any offers of a nice sugary cup of cherry cool-aid.
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