Obama voters celebrating Independence Day is like Atheists
celebrating Christmas.
A Dallas law firm
representing a high-profile State Department whistle-blower was broken into
last weekend. Sounds Clintonesque to me.
State Dept. tried to intimidate whistle-blower into
silence by having cops harass her children in front of her house. . Here comes
While Obama fights to insure Egypt
gets billions in our tax dollars, he refuses to let American school children
visit The White House.
Spitzer, Weiner, Marian Berry - Libs know that no matter
how evil they are, they can always find Democrats to vote for them.
Conservatism depends on the people rising out of
poverty. Socialism depends on people staying in poverty. . . hence Obama's agenda.
How can SCOTUS rule that lower courts can't display the
10 Commandments while sitting in front of a display of the 10 Commandments?
In Obama's America ,
being self-sufficient is considered a threat to the government.
In Obama's America ,
being stripped of the ability to defend yourself makes you "safe".
In so many words, Obama today said he would like to take
guns out of the hands of American citizens getting their heads bashed in.
Obama thrives on racial polarity.
It is disturbing that a man like Harry Reid, with no
decency or conscience can go so far in politics. But . . .it's a growing trend.
With the help of thousands of dollars from Obama’s
Justice Dept., NBC's Al Sharpton goes to Florida
to stir racial tensions.
I don't care where Obama was born. I care about where he
lives now!
Wow, in New
York City . . .rape a 10 year old
any you might be made Mayor for life.
Eric Holder’s DOJ spent taxpayer money to support and
promote rallies in Florida
calling for the arrest and prosecution of George Zimmerman.
0bama has made it clear that he is going to use the
Zimmerman case to further his attempts to disarm law-abiding citizens.
Obama does not negotiate with terrorists, he finances
A gun buy back because criminals have too many guns is
like getting castrated because the neighbors have too many kids.
Latino man out to support Trayvon Martin mob, beat up
because he was not black enough.
Obama believes (simply because of color) that the wrong
person survived a fight where a man was getting his head bashed in by another
Hillary's trail of dead people just may include Michael
Hastings, “The Man who Knew Too Much”
Does Obama ever look at pictures of aborted black babies
and say "That could have been me 51 years ago"?
In Obama's America ,
the ability to find work has pretty much dried up in the inner cities. But the
illegal drug trade is flourishing.
Feds to map every neighborhood in US to 'Eliminate
Segregation'...and insure that everyone is equally miserable.
While America
jostles for position on the Martin/Zimmerman verdict, Ambassador Chris Stevens
is still dead.
Has Hilary Clinton ever been finger-printed? I doubt it. If
she had, it would certainly solve a multitude of past crimes.