Thursday, July 12, 2012


Ever wonder just why Eric Holder would risk his entire career by simply not providing the documents ordered for him to turn over by law? I am providing a guest appearence today because it is so much better written than I could do and it is spot on. This is the topic that I planned to present but Ann Coulter saved me the effort.


Most Americans don't care about whether Attorney General Eric Holder is hiding Fast and Furious documents because they don't understand the story.

Until someone can tell us otherwise, there is only one explanation for why President Obama's Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives gave thousands of guns to Mexican drug dealers: It put guns in their hands to strengthen liberals' argument for gun control.

Precisely because this is such a jaw-dropping accusation -- criminality at the highest level of government to score a political point -- Republicans refuse to make it.

But the problem with Republican rectitude in discussing this scandal is that as soon as they start talking about subpoenas and dates and documents, TV channels change across America. They're never going to get answers unless they first explain to the American people why it matters.

Liberals have been dying to reinstate the so-called "assault weapons" ban, but they haven't been able to for political reasons. (For more information on this, see the 1994 congressional elections.)

A typically idiotic Democratic scheme, the "assault weapons" ban prohibited the sale of semiautomatics that are operationally indistinguishable from deer rifles, but which looked scary to liberal women.

First, the Democrats tried lying about how American guns were being found in the hands of Mexican drug dealers -- while demanding a renewal of the assault weapons ban.

Obama had barely unpacked at the White House, when he and high-level administration officials and Senate Democrats -- Holder, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, Sen. Chuck Schumer -- started railing about how our lax gun control laws were putting guns in the hands of Mexican drug cartels.

In 2010, even Mexico's President Felipe Calderon demanded that the U.S. reinstate the assault weapons ban -- on the grounds that Mexican drug violence was directly linked to the law's repeal.

The claim was preposterous for many reasons, including the fact that the type and quantity of armaments being used by Mexican drug cartels can be obtained only from places such as North Korea, China, Russia, Venezuela and Guatemala.

The notion that most guns used by Mexican drug gangs came from the U.S. was a lie -- exposed on about 1 million gun blogs and on Fox News.

So, then the Obama administration did exactly what Democrats had been falsely accusing American gun sellers of doing: They put American guns in the hands of Mexican drug cartels.

The only explanation for Fast and Furious is that it was a program to prop up a losing gun control argument. The Waco and Ruby Ridge raids were monstrous, but they at least made sense as simple screw-ups: (1) ATF's budget was about to be cut and it needed some showy raids; and (2) law enforcement officials detest private gun ownership on principle.

There is no conceivable law enforcement objective to giving Mexican drug dealers thousands of untrackable guns. It's not even fun for the agents, like an armed raid on a private home. If there's some other explanation, Holder isn't telling.

Republicans refuse to state this clearly because they can't prove it. Instead, they just keep chattering about the documents that haven't been turned over and subpoenas that haven't been answered.

Did Democrats wait for a smoking gun to accuse Karl Rove of treason for revealing Valerie Plame's identity as a CIA agent? It turned out Rove didn't reveal it, and it wouldn't have been a crime if he had.

Did they wait for proof to accuse Sen. John McCain of committing adultery? They had none, and yet that story ran on the front page of The New York Times.

Did they have any evidence before accusing the entire Republican House leadership of complicity in Mark Foley's creepy emails to young male interns? See if you can guess. Take all the time you need. Feel free to call one of your "lifelines" if necessary.

Liberals just make wild-eyed accusations and demand Republicans prove themselves innocent. (Say, whatever happened to Karl Rove's trial for treason for outing Valerie Plame? Can somebody call Lawrence O'Donnell and check on that?)

If conservatives were our only source of information about 9/11, no one would care about that, either. Somehow they'd make it about Osama bin Laden not answering a subpoena.

This isn't just another government program gone bad -- a $300 ashtray, stimulus money fraud, Solyndra or Van Jones.

It isn't just a story about some government official refusing to testify.

It isn't even a story about an American dying as a result of a government program, as outrageous as that is. Yes, Brian Terry died at the hands of a Mexican using a Holder-provided American gun. Pat Tillman died. Ron Brown died. People sometimes die as a result of government screw-ups. Fast and Furious is worse.

Innocent people dying was the objective of Fast and Furious, not collateral damage.

It would be as if the Bush administration had implemented a covert operation to dump a dangerous abortifacient in Planned Parenthood clinics, resulting in hundreds of women dying -- just to give pro-lifers an argument about how dangerous abortion clinics are.

That's what Fast and Furious is about.


Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Divide and Conquer

It was only 50 years into the birth of our country that a French political thinker and historian, Alexis de Tocqueville, came to America to have a look around. He was astounded that this young country was already competing in world markets. He wrote in his book “Democracy in America” of the amazing work ethic and the shear drive to become independent of any political regime. Family and community came first. All that was asked of the government was to protect the sovereignty and stay out of the way.

Other than the Civil War, our federal government did mostly that. I realize detractors can cite many isolated instances where the Federal Government overstepped their bounds. However, it wasn’t until The New Deal and then The Great Society that true Socialism crept into our house. For the next 50 years or so, American individualism remained dominate over the socialist movement. However, those who had a bent on overpowering the individual freedoms granted in the Constitution were already hatching their plans in the late 1960’s.

Back then Richard Cloward and Francis Piven advocated a strategy of overloading the new welfare system in the U.S. in order to split, “Divide and Conquer”, America and control, through a powerful federal government, all aspects of our lives. Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dorn among others continued to try to divide America by blowing up government buildings and offices and causing general havoc in the early 1970’s. The general consensus is that Barack Obama is the quintessential extension of these socialists given his direct association with them throughout the years.

Whatever the truth is, and we will never really know, it is blatantly apparent that the current president has affixed on his desk a reminder post-it note that reads, “Divide and Conquer”. He knows full well that creating a rift between Americans with a strong individual work ethic and those that feel that government owes them all the comforts of  living in America, will result in a week Constitution and an overthrow of the ideals brought forth by our Founders.

On this July 4th, I am going to remember back to the country that Alexis what’s-his-name found when he visited us only 50 years into our greatness. I’m going to pray that we can find a way to come together once again and re-instill that individual determination to be the best country in the world - because we are all united as Americans.

Want to join me?

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Sunday, July 1, 2012

True Colors

Ok . . .I know from the rather vile gloating from totally uninformed Obamacrates, that they think they are about to get free healthcare. They are sure that they can suck money from the “1%” to pay all their bills. “Gimme, gimme, gimme” is the mantra of this decade. And it is all wrapped up in a neat little package called “feelings” that Conservatives simply don’t have. Conservative politicians are heartless; Liberals have only the poor, the down-trodden and (this one always amuses me) the less fortunate people in their hearts. A vote for Obama will guarantee that every poor person will get a scoop of ice cream.

However, sometimes true colors bleed through to the surface. You need only look for that stain in the right place and you will find it through the thick fabric of deceit. Here is an example:

Last week, the Supreme Court handed down a ruling that most Americans (and several Senators) didn’t even know was part of Obamacare. They, in essence, told the administration and all the Congresspersons that so gleefully voted for the bill, that they could not simply forget about the poor, downtrodden and less fortunate in any state that opted out of the massive Medicaid expansion plans. Wow! Medicaid expansion! I’ll vote for that, right? Guess those libs really do care for the poor.

Hold up there, Kimo Sabe. Let’s take a little further look. Let’s consider the “or” in the mandate. Or . . . Obamacare will eliminate all of the federal funding for Medicaid to the offending State. Boy, that’ll show ‘em! In most states that adds up to billions of dollars yanked from the people who need it most. You guessed it; the poor, downtrodden and less fortunate.  Sorta leaves that thinking with your heart stuff out in left field.

Before my liberal friend’s heads explode on this one, let me say this. I think that the Medicaid program is a wonderful thing. As an insurance agent, I have spent many hours in the homes of families and individuals who benefit dearly from the program. It is a federal tax well spent. Of course it is administered poorly and the abuses are exponential. But, I have seen it work first-hand for very, very poor people who, through no fault of their own, receive a benefit that helps make their days go a little more smoothly. Maybe that is why I was so upset when I realized that The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) was using the poor, downtrodden and less fortunate as a bargaining chip to curry votes.

But, I’m just saying.