Monday, March 5, 2012

Respect For Liberal Democrats

In a rather dire warning to freedom-loving Americans, I recommend we begin to respect the deceit and slyness that is currently the norm in the Democratic Party and the Obama Administration specifically. They play the gotcha game very well and Conservatives usually bite on whatever maliciousness they deal out by stumbling all over themselves.

This past week, we have experienced a perfect example of Conservatives falling over the cliff and possibly setting themselves up to lose the election next fall. In the New Hampshire debates, George Stephanopoulos asked a question of Mitt Romney that, at the time, seemed to come out of left field. He asked Romney whether or not the Constitution allowed states to ban contraception. Romney came back with a statement that the idea of putting forward things that states might want to do that no state wants to do and asking me if I want to do it is kind of a silly thing. Well, apparently it was not so silly after all. No doubt that question was a result of a democratic agenda that really reared its ugly head this past week. Congressional Democrats could not get an actual committee together to put the spotlight on Sandra Fluke (a self-proclaimed, activist student from Georgetown University) probably because the issue was particularly ridiculous. She wants the government (us) to pay for her contraception as an entitlement for college coeds because they tend to have a lot of sex. Since Dems could not get a legitimate committee together, they simply had their own, complete with the mainstream media salivating on every word.

Then Conservatives began weighing in. Attacks against this “person of interest” (I don’t dare call her anything else) were all over the board. Rush Limbaugh bit the hardest. MSNBC lib’s eyes were practically popping out of their heads with glee.

And so . . . it worked. Mindless voters will now vote against any Republican because it appears that Republicans want to keep college age woman from having fun and to have some kind of control over woman’s reproductive rights. Never mind the real issues. This administration loses every debate on those. Just divert to inane topics that will stir up single-minded emotions into a frenzy. It’s the “Republicans want to kill old people” thing all over again.

Better keep buying that gold and silver and put your money into safer, Mexican banks. It may be a long four more years.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Jumping Into The Fray

I am making a change in my blog content today and for the future. I have tried to keep politics out of the subject matter in my first few entries. But, as you have probably noticed, I just can’t help myself. I have also been asked a few times to “put that in your blog” when I am spewing political rhetoric to friends. So I am jumping into the fray. I will try in this particular submission to convey where I tend to stand on various topics. Then future entries will deal with the topics of the day or week and include quotes and videos from other blogs that I follow to help me make my own decisions on the issues.

The following is just a brief synopsis of some of my views. They are not always liberal, not always conservative and certainly not in the middle.

The Constitution
It is probably the single most profoundly successful political document in history. Politicians need to keep their grubby little hands off. 

I believe that life begins at conception. In a sense, we are “killing” or terminating a life when we abort a fetus. However, our ability to abort humans will always be a part of our lives and because of that we need some government controls to insure it is done safely. With respect to the life of the mother, she has every right to abort the baby if it will save her life. However, the use of abortion for birth control is always wrong.

Healthcare Reform
One of the last things we need the government in control of is healthcare. Just look at Medicare.  Lifting the amazingly burdensome, senseless regulations and instituting tort reform would bring insurance premiums tumbling down and immediately improve the quality of healthcare.

The United States Border
One of the two biggest disasters in the U.S. today

Teachers Unions
The other biggest disaster

Climate Change
Not too far into the future, governments, politicians and environmentalists will probably be pushing to control our every move because the earth is, once again, cooling off.

The War on Drugs
Just dumb

Gun Control
Read the Second Amendment. The reason for that amendment is just as valid today as it was on Dec.15, 1791.

The President
I’m definitely not an Obama fan. I have voted for many Republicans and a few Democrats. I would have voted for Bobby Kennedy if he had not been shot. I was very angry with G.W. for signing every liberal spending bill congress sent him. But now, we are just about to literally fall off the cliff and the administration wants to spend trillions more. WTF??

I would relish lots of comments. I’m sure there will be some vitriol included in the text. It’s expected and I have the delete button. But I will hesitate to use it.

And as always . . . . .I’m Just Saying